Commission for a simple mask with morph
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in Art Studio
I'm new here and I hope to find someone that can help me.
I'm looking to hire someone that can make/model a simple mask (for head/face) with a morph to pull it up. It would be for G8M/G8.1M
Like in the spiderman movie when he's hanging upside down.
I'd love to hear from someone because I'm quite desperade.
Have you looked at the Daz SUPERSUITS??? or tried making a Geoshell??? Sorry I'm not a modeler.. I can't help... I usually just fiddle with what I have... The supersuit is a great item to have :) Good luck!
JoeQuick made a Spiderman suit for M4 that includes a mask you can pull up (shown in the second promo). I've fit it to a G8M and retextured it in an image I can't remotely post on the forums.
Hello Grodig,
Thank you for the suggestion! I already saw that suit and downloaded it. But I have no idea how to convert/fit it to G8M and make the morph work.
And thank you @Llola Lane
I checked out the suits, too. But they seem to miss the morph I need.
ok.. Good luck kuro_neko... try and post here if you get it all sorted.
Didn't know about the spideysuit... I downloaded it too Gordig... wish me luck fitting it to G8M ;)
"Fit" is maybe the wrong word, because it's just a matter of scaling it to be approximately the right size.
There must be some trick... I can't get it to 'fit' to G8M... Maybe I need to buy a converter?
I found this product:
I have no clue about the older generations or poster models. But it sounds like it's the right one.
The mask is not a wearable! Just use it as a prop:
wishlisted ;) thanks.
Missed this explaination... Thanks.. trying it now :)