PostgreSQL Shows UNINSTALLED when ever I open DIM

ShiptonShipton Posts: 28
edited August 2015 in New Users

Running on Windows 8, Build 9200, No Service Pack Installed
CPU Information:
    CPU String: AuthenticAMD
    CPU Brand String: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics    
    Cache Line Size = 64
    L2 Associativity = 8
    Cache Size = 2048
    Stepping ID = 1
    Family = 15
    Extended model = 3
    Extended family = 7
    CLFLUSH cache line size = 64
    APIC Physical ID = 1


I know it says win 8 but I DID upgrade to 10 on the 29th.

This is the problem:

1 I open Daz

2 Products and Categories is missing from Content Library with Start/Stop CMS greyed out.

3 I Re-Import Meta Data

No Change.

Log shows "Creating Asset Manager...
WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
Error connecting to CMS"

4 Open DIM

Dim does NOT show PostGRESQL as installed.

5 Close Daz

6 Reinstall PostGRE

7 Open Daz goto #1 and repeat

I have basically spent the last hour or so trying to get my content library back to where I can us it and I'm about ready to trash Daz.

Post edited by Shipton on


  • What security software are you using? PostgreSQL has conflicts with ZoneAlarm.

  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28
    Avast which has never been a problem.
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Are you sure it's the same version of PostgreSQL CMS?  You can only have one installed at a time, so if you have the Public Build Beta 64-bit version installed and you install the General Release 32-bit, the Public Beta one will be uninstalled.

  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28
    edited August 2015

    It is the one that was in my product library, 

    Product Name: PostgreSQL CMS
    Product ID: 18869


    When I use DIM to install it, evidently it doesn't really install it.  I shut down DIM and open Daz and it isn't there.  If I open DIM again it's there to be downloaded and installed.

    DIM Logfile from the last attempt to install PostgreSQL:

    +++++++++++++++ Install Manager starting +++++++++++++++++
    OS bits: 64
    Platform bits: 32
    Qt Version: 4.8.6
    Locale: en_US
    Running on Windows 8, Build 9200, No Service Pack Installed
    Physical Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
        Avail: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
    Virtual Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294836224)
        Avail: 3.8 GB (4098588672)
    Current Memory Usage: 16%
    Current DateTime:
        Loc: Sat Aug 22 10:20:03 2015
        UTC: Sat Aug 22 16:20:03 2015
    Application Data:
        Location = C:/Users/joh/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 277.2 GB (297684893696)
    Reading dzInstall.ini
    Current Account: Account
    Current Download Path:
        Location = C:/Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/Downloads
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 277.2 GB (297684893696)
    Current Content Install Path:
        Location = C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 277.2 GB (297684893696)
    Current 64-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = F:
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 277.2 GB (297684893696)
    Current 32-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = C:/Program Files (x86)
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 277.2 GB (297684893696)
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    Error connecting to CMS
    Current Account: Account
    Processed 723 installed products, totaling 69.5 GB
    Product 21474-2 has the same name as 21474-4:ShoXoloR for Vidal Braids PoserCF
    Processed 706 products with 1363 unique product downloads
    Processed 723 installed products, totaling 69.5 GB
    User Data Refresh: Elapsed Time 1 sec 376 msec
    Product 21474-2 has the same name as 21474-4:ShoXoloR for Vidal Braids PoserCF
    Processed 706 products with 1364 unique product downloads
    Installing product : PostgreSQL CMS (Win 64-bit)
    WARNING: QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
    Product successfully installed : PostgreSQL CMS (Win 64-bit)
    Install Queue finished in 0 min 19.1 sec.


    Post edited by Shipton on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    OK, let's look at a different log. Fire up DIM, click on the gear icon, move the mouse pointer down to 'show log', hold down the CTRL key and click on 'show log'. This will show the log of the background helper task DIM uses. Scroll to the bottom and then scan back to see if there are any errors relating to the PostgreS install.

  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28

    Here's the DIM logfile for the last time I tried to install PostgreSQL:

    +++++++++++++++ Install Manager Helper starting +++++++++++++++++
    OS bits: 64
    Platform bits: 32
    Qt Version: 4.8.6
    Locale: en_US
    Running on Windows 8, Build 9200, No Service Pack Installed
    Physical Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
        Avail: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
    Virtual Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294836224)
        Avail: 3.8 GB (4104196096)
    Current Memory Usage: 17%
    Current DateTime:
        Loc: Sat Aug 22 14:09:50 2015
        UTC: Sat Aug 22 20:09:50 2015
    Application Data:
        Location = C:/Users/joh/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 276.0 GB (296361910272)
    Helper application data path: C:/Users/joh/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    Error connecting to CMS
    Current Content Install Path:
        Location = C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 276.0 GB (296361906176)
    Current 64-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = F:
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 276.0 GB (296361906176)
    Current 32-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = C:/Program Files (x86)
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 276.0 GB (296361906176)
    Executing file: PostgreSQL CMS_9.3.4_(64-Bit)/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/im/initialize.dzime
    Database Server: 
    Queuing uninstall of package(s) that conflict with 18869-2...



  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28

    Reinstalled DIM, this is the log from when I tried to install PostgreSQL with the reinstalled DIM:

    +++++++++++++++ Install Manager Helper starting +++++++++++++++++
    OS bits: 64
    Platform bits: 32
    Qt Version: 4.8.6
    Locale: en_US
    Running on Windows 8, Build 9200, No Service Pack Installed
    Physical Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
        Avail: 3.9 GB (4294967295)
    Virtual Memory:
        Total: 3.9 GB (4294836224)
        Avail: 3.8 GB (4103589888)
    Current Memory Usage: 19%
    Current DateTime:
        Loc: Sat Aug 22 14:30:00 2015
        UTC: Sat Aug 22 20:30:00 2015
    Application Data:
        Location = C:/Users/joh/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 275.9 GB (296319176704)
    Helper application data path: C:/Users/joh/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    WARNING: dzvalentinaobjectdatabase.cpp(38): DB Register Open error: Cannot establish VC_Connection with remote server. 
    Make sure the server address and port number are correct.
    Error connecting to CMS
    Current Content Install Path:
        Location = C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 275.9 GB (296319176704)
    Current 64-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = F:
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 275.9 GB (296319176704)
    Current 32-bit Software Install Path:
        Location = C:/Program Files (x86)
        Disk Total: 424.2 GB (455501410304)
        Disk Avail: 275.9 GB (296319176704)
    Executing file: PostgreSQL CMS_9.3.4_(64-Bit)/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/im/initialize.dzime
    Database Server: 
    Queuing uninstall of package(s) that conflict with 18869-2...
    Executed install script: zip:/PostgreSQL CMS_9.3.4_(64-Bit)/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/im/initialize.dzime
    WARNING: Could not create folder F:
    WARNING: Error opening save file "F:/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/bin/clusterdb.exe.ztmp" : could not open file

    Could not extract file : F:/DAZ 3D/PostgreSQL CMS/bin/clusterdb.exe
    Product installation failed : PostgreSQL CMS (Win 64-bit)

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192
    edited August 2015

    So the question becomes - do you have an F: drive and why is DIM installing there. If your 64-bit install path in DIM is just "F:" try changing it to "F:/".


    ETA - another thought; if just adding the trailing slash does not work manually create the F:/DAZ 3D directory and leave the 64-bit path F:/. DIM creates (or will use if it already exists) the directory 'DAZ 3D' under your defined 32-bit and/or 64-bit DIM installation path.

    Post edited by namffuak on
  • ShiptonShipton Posts: 28

    I do have a F drive, it's a 2tb external hard drive for backups.  Nothing Daz related is on it though.  Where that came from is beyond me.  I checked and changed the 64 bit install path from F:  to c:/program files and it installed postgreSQL and things are back to normal.  ty


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,192

    Glad I could help.

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