Problem with clipping/poke through in Clothes

in New Users
Sometimes I have a big problem with bent limbs which deform clothes like socks and stockings in a very bizarre way, some others just seem to fuse together instead of looking more natural (picture 1) and a very annoying one, tight clothes as well, when a certain part of a limb collides with the item it makes a "hole" through the clothing which also prevents me from doing some poses that require bent limbs or "touching" (picture 2), sometimes a different angle can help, but this is very limiting, specially with animation since I am forced to do the floating hands trick a little too much.
Anyone knows a way to fix it?

pic 1.jpg
720 x 720 - 161K

pic 2.jpg
720 x 720 - 66K
This is usually a result of the smoothing modifier, with collision detection, getting confused. Try turning the smoothing off, or at least collision (set Collision Target to None) in the Parameters pane, Mesh Smoothing group. Of course you may then get poke-through elsewhere that the collision detection was fixing. Another option is to use a DForm to impose a little separation on the intersecting surfaces of the base figure - to get this toi work you will probably need to use a weight map to control the DForm..
Well, I really need the mesh smoothing on this one, unless there is another way to avoid clipping on the SF Body Suit and the like, I can try to set some offsets at minimum but I am not sure how it will work, maybe if I export to a more specialized animation software eventually, I would rather have certain parts of the body clipping inside than to have those holes in clothes, as for the stockings thing I didn't even use smoothing there, it just happens.