DAZ using GPU for Iray preview but not during render
I have been using DAZ for a couple of years without any rendering problems but now that I have a new computer I am seeing something strange. DAZ seems to be using my GPU to preview in Iray but not during the actual rendering. I have attached three screen shots. The first shows my settings. The second is activity during Iray preview. The third shows activity during actual render. I have noted that the GPU memory seems to be used in both cases and that the CPU does not seem to be doing much in either case. Any ideas?

DAZ Studio 4.21 Pro - Alyssa Mer 1A-6.duf 1_23_2023 10_42_41 AM.png
2560 x 1369 - 216K

Task Manager 1_23_2023 10_23_39 AM.png
2560 x 1392 - 152K

Task Manager 1_23_2023 10_26_39 AM.png
2560 x 1392 - 126K
Have you checked the logs to see if you are running out of memory?
In your scene you may have some items that have a different SubD level for preview vs render so perhaps the scene fits in memory in one way but not the other?
May also be a driver issue?
The Task manager by default doesn't show cuda activity (used when Iray rendering), one must choose Cuda or Compute to see whats going on.
Thank you, but it has plenty of memory.
Please excuse my ignorance, but how would I "choose Cuda or Compute"? If you mean checking the boxes in the render settings, I have the CPU unchecked and the CUDA (showing my GPU) checked. Also have CPU fallback disabled.
I attached three screen shots to my original message but they do not show up. Can anyone tell me why?
Go to the performance tab, select the GPU, and click the triangle on one of the graphs to set it to show one of those items.
They are still theer. For some reason images do not always display.