Please help with export

I am very happy with my Cloth Drape in Daz. The final drape frame happens I guess at frame 40 or so.
BUT my goal is to export a model out of daz that represents the final drape frame. I was sure that there is
a way to export it as an obj, or some other format. But when I export it, the model and dynamic cloth are not
as they are at the final draped frame. IS THERE A WAY TO EXPORT the model with the cloth drape as a single model
as it is in the final drape frame. I saw some things about freezing the drape frames, but I don't want to export an animation.
I want to export a model that is as it is after the drape.
The end result would be something I can import into another 3d app for render there.
I really appreciate help on this. I am under a time crunch.
Very appreciative for any help.
can you just delete the frames of animation after the best frame?
I don't know much about the cloth in daz as I've only used it a few times, but what export options are you using? OBJ?
If you have the full, advanced plug in, then yes, freeze the animation and then export.
Thanks everyone,
I figured out a way to do it. Took a bit of time but worked. I need to make a tutorial because I'm
sure I won't be the last one to have this question.