Ideal environment for granular shaping?

Hey guys!

i want to make some very specific changes to a characters, really use most/many sliders, but the lighting makes it really diffcult to see the muscles,bones,curves etc.

Is there an easy to setup a perfect room for this? or even purchase one?

thank you!


  • lexbairdlexbaird Posts: 167

    I'd suggest trying four things to make your figure shape more visible for shaping.

    1. Change the figure surfaces to a flat, neutral gray tone. There are tutorials on this, but basically it is editing the "surfaces" tab settings to strip out the color and surface details.
    2. If you are looking at it thru a camera, turn off the headlamp. That is a direct light that will tend to flatten shadows.
    3. Set up a 3-point light rig. Also many tutorials available.
    4. Set your background to a contrasting shade of gray, either darker or lighter (your choice) than the neutral gray of your figure.

    After you are done with the shaping, you can restore the figure surface materials.

  • Dazzle said:

    i want to make some very specific changes to a characters, really use most/many sliders, but the lighting makes it really diffcult to see the muscles,bones,curves etc.

    Well, you could turn off the scene / preview lights (control-l or check the Window menu.

    Another option is to simply hide parts of your scenery, in specific the parts which are blocking the light. Then you can work on your scenery and re-enable them once you're done. For this you should check the "eye icon" in the scene pane.

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