Poser 10 and Possible Glitches

in New Users
Complete Poser newb here, planning to install Poser 10 on my Win 8.1 system (i5, 8 GB RAM). I notice that many customer reviewers on Amazon are griping that Poser 10 is buggy and glitchy. Are there known technical problems with installing and running Poser 10, and if so, how can I avoid some, if not all, of them?
Not a Poser user but the problem most often encounter is with the library systems dependence on a specific version of Flash.
Thanks. Never would have even thought of that. Can anyone else provide more detailed info?
That's funny! Not to be too crass about it, but you might as well ask if there's a way to avoid getting hurt when diving off a 100 foot cliff. Both Poser 10 and Poser 2014 have bugs that are well documented, and have never been fixed. The more active Poser forum is over on Runtime DNA, where you can find more details.
Some random issues/possible fixes:
1. As jestmart noted, the Content Library can be touchy. This is perhaps Poser's weakest link, because it relies on Adobe Flash (yes, seriously!) to work. If Poser crashes on startup, you may need to restart a few times before it launches correctly. Avoid touching anything, even the mouse, while Poser loads.
2. Be sure to have all the latest patches installed.
3. Poser 2014, being a 64-bit application, tends to have fewer crashing bugs, at least in my experience. This is probably related, in part, to the fact that it can use more than 3GB of RAM. As a Poser 10 user, you are limited to about 3GB or less for any scene, even if your system is 64-bit and has much more RAM. The program may crash with very large scenes that approach the memory limit. Poser 2014 is more expensive, though.
4. There is a long-standing bug in Poser related to textures that the program can no longer find. So exercise care when texturing your models and changing things up. If you do a render, and Poser cannot find a previously referenced texture, it will crash.
5. Play with the settings for Preview mode. Don't be afraid to dial them down if you have to -- turn features you don't need off, and select lower resolutions. Many instabilities are related to OpenGL settings in Preview mode.
6. Save your work often, maybe every 10-15 minutes. That way if the program crashes you won't lose too much of your work.
7. If you get a string of crashes, it's best to restart your machine.
8. Read up in Runtime DNA for other advice. Poser is actually a very fine and fun program, with features D|S lacks. It's worth learning and using, but like anything, it does require a learning curve to avoid its pitfalls.
Thank you for all the helpful info. As it happens, I'm a lurker at the Runtime DNA boards, but I figured I'd pose my questions here first.