Cannot see mesh smoothing in my Daz Studio program

in New Users
I have the Daz Studio 4.8 pro 64 bit. Trying to remove pock through on clothing on my Genisis figure. Cannot get Mash Smoothing to show as a option. I followed all the You tube stuff
but only see mash reslution? What am I doing wrong?
If it isn't an option then, it wasn't added to the item. You will need to go to Edit > Figure (or Object) > Geometry > Add Smoothing Modifier to add it. Not everything is saved with one added, by default.
Just like that... I assumed the clothing without smoothing modifier was a tough luck scenario, I had no idea you could add said modifier to the clothing?? Thats my something new for the day, thank you mjc1016 :)
*Would have been handy when I was trying to smooth the Wonderland Alice dress out rather than me bodging one together from other clothing items!!