G8.1 vs G9

My question is which is better? Logic would state that G9 would obviously be the better choice because it is newer but while I've been searching around I've seen complaints about G9 that I couldn't figure out if they were simply angry about non-compatibility issues with the former generations, or if there were actual technical disadvantages to the G9 model compared to G8.1. 

I'm not concerned about lack of assets for G9, with time I'm sure there will be more. I'm curious from a purely technical standpoint.


  • For what? There are, as you say, several threads on Genesis 9 already. People object to the topology, mainly (that it doesn't have pre-defined placement for details like navel and nipples, or for muscle flow) and there are some who dislike the joint bending. Most people, however, do seem to think the face and expressions are better even if they are among those criticising other aspects.

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