"Wear Them All" Product's Promo Picture looks awkward
All I can say is look at "HER" crotch. Yup it seems she is hiding something down there.
Here is a link to the page:
ya know I never noticed.
other then that i thought it was a nice picture
if they weren't using autofit clothes that had a plaid pattern I don't think it would have stuck out like that. I mean err, it would not have been so noticeable.
The pattern lines are distorted more than real clothes would be. if those were dynamic undies I dont think you would see it looking like that.
anyone have a link for the clothes in said pic?
Was wondering that myself, actually.
It's almost ten years old, but if you really want to know:
The bottoms are the Boxerslip from M6 Intimates with Boxerslip XP04 material preset from M6 Intimates Xpansion
Don't know the top.
Oh, you meant the undies in the main product image (the one where she's wearing a tank-top saying "INNOCENT"), I was actually more curious what that cresent-shaped skirt is in the image third from last. That is, in the picture where there's a mention of a PDF guide. Lower right, with the brown leather belt, in that image, where it says Victoria 4 Skirt Fit.
I joined DAZ in 2016 after this product was released in 2015, and I went through the V4 available products a lot. I don't think I have ever noticed it. Could it have been withdrawn or be available on another store or been a freebie?
Edit to clarify years.