Daz gone all speckly?
So I imported an onj file into ds 4.8, one I've used before without any problems. Then I added a backdrop and altered the dimension preset to square. I also altered the props bump map setting and displacement. Ever since that my viewport has gone speckly, as you can see below. I think maybe I accidentally altered a setting somewheer, because this effect won't go away, even when I load an old scene it's not showing like it used to. Can someone help get DS back to how it was?

daz gone wrong.jpg
1920 x 1080 - 850K
What are your render settings? How is the scene lit?
Render setting was 3Delight, the above example had no added lights, yet there appears to be a shadow. Also according to Task Manager when Daz is open it uses almost all my CPU, (upto 99%) even when nothing else is open.
It looks to me like it is still working on an Iray render.
If I were you, I would exit from DAZ Studio, if there is still an instance of DS running in the Task Manager, close the Process.
That's what it looks like, I've exited DS several times, no sign of it in task manager. Then when I restart it it's still doing the "speckly" thing. Could it be continuing with a render each time I open Daz? If so , how would I stop that? Assuming that's the problem of course.
In the screenshot you posted you have the iray viewport preview active.Look near the the button that says "Perspective" that square means you are in iray preview mode.Click that to get a list of other preview modes.I use "texture shaded" a lot.The speckles are from the all white objects,bright lights, and low number of samples in the preview.Adjust the lights a bit and let it sit a bit longer and the speckles will go away in the iray preview.
Somehow I had selected Iray in the Draw settings as you said. God knows how I did that, as it's not something I mess with! Back to texture shaded, which is what I've always used as far as I know. Thanks a lot for your help guys!