Pivot point of figure has moved away from the figure

Somehow in posing a character the 'pivot point' (where the translation/rotation/universal widget appears when the character is selected) has ended up about a yard west of her rear end instead of under her feet. This is not so bad for translation, but a nightmare for rotation. Instead of rotating around her own vertical axis, she now swings wildly around as if she's attached to an invisible arm emanating from the pivot point. (I also notice the bounding box is on a slant now instead of being vertical as it was when she was standing.)
The few Google hits I get on this refer to the Joint Editor, but when I activate this all the bones in the figure appear, and I'm concerned that anything I do will completely muck up the rigging.
Can anyone tell me how I get the pivot point back in a more sensible position please (without risking wrecking the rigging)?
Have you tried using Edit > Figure > Restore > Restore Figure Rigging, that should work if you have moved the point yourself.
Have a look at this thread : http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/829653/#Comment_829653
I think you have moved the figure using the hip but are looking at the (unmoved) figure node. Try copying any translations from the hip to the figure node (using copy and paste on the nodes), then zero the hip node.
Thanks for the help. I tried the restore figure rigging option, Jimmy, but the figure just dropped below the ground plane and the 'pivot point' was moved down with her but not back to where it started, between her feet. I read the thread you referenced but it seems to be about props not figures, or I can't follow how it applies to figures. Still in the 'noob' camp I fear.
I'm not sure I have understood your suggestion Richard, but I checked the values in the Translate sliders under the Parameters tab with both the whole figure selected and with the hip (pelvis?) selected - they are all zero in both cases.
What I did, and can reproduce, is to add a figure to a new scene - V6, say. The pivot point is between her feet. Now I want her bent at the hips, but rotating the pelvis gives very little bend, so instead I rotate both thighs till they are at right angles to the body. The pivot point hasn't moved - it's below her rear end. Now I want her feet on the ground, so I rotate the whole figure through 90 degrees then move her upwards - the pivot point of the figure maintaining it's position three feet away from her behind. If I choose top view now, and rotate the figure, she swings around like she's on the end of a big stick. What I would like is for the pivot point to be back between her feet so that rotation doesn't move her around in an arc, but rotates her on her vertical axis again. Is the Joint Editor the correct/only way to achieve this?
The legs bending but leaving the figure pivot point behind is the indtend behaviour - if you want to bring the feet to the ground again isntead of stikcing out in front use the Hip bone to rotate.
Thank you Richard! Rotating the hip bone instead of the whole figure gives me exactly the result I wanted - the feet on the ground and the pivot point between them, and no more swinging around on an arm when I rotate the figure. A small victory but I'm still going to celebrate it!