Meant to ask this way back, but is there a way to motion blur an object in a scene within DS? I don't mean the background, just an object within the scene. e.g., a car moving, a plane moving, etc, etc. Or will this have to be done post-process?
Motion blur: In the Render Settings pane's Advanced tab, check the "Motion Blur" checkbox. In the Timeline pane, click or drag the slider to the 2nd notch to create a second frame. Move whatever you want blurred. (Note that instances don't motion blur as expected.) Click on the key icon with the '+' in it. Move the slider back to frame 1, then render.
If it is too grainy, in the Render Settings pane > Editor tab > All, set TODO VERIFY THIS IS CORRECT--> "Pixel Samples (X)" and "Pixel Samples (Y)" to higher values (like 16).
Iray or 3Delight? Seeing how you do both, refer to the answer above for 3DL. For Iray, the answer for now is "do it in post." Though Iray supports both motion and camera blur, these features and not (yet) implemented in D|S.
For animation, I'm rendering in Iray as a PNG sequence. I combine layers and render in After Effects. Then I import the resulting MOV file back into AE and ad CC Force Motion Blur. Whew!
For animation, I'm rendering in Iray as a PNG sequence. I combine layers and render in After Effects. Then I import the resulting MOV file back into AE and ad CC Force Motion Blur. Whew!
I'd actually be willing to do that if I knew anything about AE. Do you mind providing a little more detail? Can I get a decent high-res still from the process?
I'd imagine you could, but to add blur, you sort of need a series of frames for the software to calculate the blur between frames. An alternative for stills is using Directional Blur in After Effects. You can choose a direction and the degree of blurring. Rendering in layers would also help her. For instance if you're shooting a figure or car and ostensibly whip-panning the camera, the background would be very blurry, but the moving item would be sharp. If the "camera" is still then the opposite would be true.
Motion blur: In the Render Settings pane's Advanced tab, check the "Motion Blur" checkbox. In the Timeline pane, click or drag the slider to the 2nd notch to create a second frame. Move whatever you want blurred. (Note that instances don't motion blur as expected.) Click on the key icon with the '+' in it. Move the slider back to frame 1, then render.
If it is too grainy, in the Render Settings pane > Editor tab > All, set TODO VERIFY THIS IS CORRECT--> "Pixel Samples (X)" and "Pixel Samples (Y)" to higher values (like 16).
Iray or 3Delight? Seeing how you do both, refer to the answer above for 3DL. For Iray, the answer for now is "do it in post." Though Iray supports both motion and camera blur, these features and not (yet) implemented in D|S.
Yeah, I'm sorry for not stating that in the question. It was relative to IRay. Bummer that its not implemented. Thanks for the info.
Motion blur: In the Render Settings pane's Advanced tab, check the "Motion Blur" checkbox. In the Timeline pane, click or drag the slider to the 2nd notch to create a second frame. Move whatever you want blurred. (Note that instances don't motion blur as expected.) Click on the key icon with the '+' in it. Move the slider back to frame 1, then render.
If it is too grainy, in the Render Settings pane > Editor tab > All, set TODO VERIFY THIS IS CORRECT--> "Pixel Samples (X)" and "Pixel Samples (Y)" to higher values (like 16).
Iray or 3Delight? Seeing how you do both, refer to the answer above for 3DL. For Iray, the answer for now is "do it in post." Though Iray supports both motion and camera blur, these features and not (yet) implemented in D|S.
For animation, I'm rendering in Iray as a PNG sequence. I combine layers and render in After Effects. Then I import the resulting MOV file back into AE and ad CC Force Motion Blur. Whew!
I'd actually be willing to do that if I knew anything about AE. Do you mind providing a little more detail? Can I get a decent high-res still from the process?
I'd imagine you could, but to add blur, you sort of need a series of frames for the software to calculate the blur between frames. An alternative for stills is using Directional Blur in After Effects. You can choose a direction and the degree of blurring. Rendering in layers would also help her. For instance if you're shooting a figure or car and ostensibly whip-panning the camera, the background would be very blurry, but the moving item would be sharp. If the "camera" is still then the opposite would be true.
Thanks for the info.
Yeah, I'm sorry for not stating that in the question. It was relative to IRay. Bummer that its not implemented. Thanks for the info.