What gimp tool do I use to fix dforce bed poke-through

in New Users
I rendered an image last night that used the dforce bed and discovered this morning that there are a few white spots on the duvet cover. (see attached)
I suspect what happened is the duvet clipped into the mattress during the simulation.
How would I fix this in postwork? I tried using the heal tool, but that just spreads around the white. I'd prefer to keep the texture of the duvet. This is a very zoomed-in image, but the devil is in the details and all that.

white spot.jpg
1495 x 867 - 442K
If you kept your scene you can hide the mattress and spot render to new window the bits clipping as a png to add as layers
otherwise I would use the clone tool with a fuzzy brush and try and match up the pattern of the weave
Cool. I've heard of spot-rendering but didn't know its use. And the clone tool/fuzzy brush is new to me. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.