Changing Genesis face features
I have been wondering if it's possible to change nose length, jaw width, and major stuff in the face, so that it looks like a complete different person? Or all the changes available are those ones that allow us to make different expressions? I would love to be able to build my own characters faces, is that possible? If so, how can I do it? Would I have to get a 3d modeling software and make it myself?
yes you can, and there are morphs availble to purchase to help (a couple freebies too) . . which Genesis ? 1, 2 or 3
All of them hehe... I was willing to freely change the face features without having to buy anything...
Do you mean that if I want to change the face of my genesis I need to get new characters? (Sorry im still very noob) Like Victoria and Michael and so and so?
All of the Genesis, 1, 2, and 3, hehe. Also I noticed I have Genesis 3 Female only! It doesn't come with the male one? :(
Nope, not new Characters, tho that would do some'what
I'm more familiar with Genesis1, not so much 2 or 3
there are morph dials to change shape like for Genesis1 something like Genesis Evolution: Head Morphs , these also come in Bundles, much cheaper through Bundles getting all the morphs
that's just a sample of what you can get
I'll send you a PM in a moment with another link (after I find it
while looking for that link, I did come across this topic, it may help "complete" morph set for Genesis 1
@XaatXuun wow thank you! Very beautiful items! I'm always impressed with those 3ds hehe... So the only possible way is through those morph bundles right? I will have to add them to my wishlist hehe... I can't get those atm... Thank you for the links! They are very useful :)
@XaatXuun do you know what day of the week daz3d resets the free contents? I read they have new ones every week...
No I don't know
it's not the only way, just over all cheaper getting'em through Bundles,
it possible to create your own morphs , . . that is beyond my knowledge to simply explain , there are software out there to like Blender, Zbrush, Hexagon to name a couple and many others.
For the first Genesis and (it was adapted for both the Genesis 2 Female and the Male) is this set...
Oh I see... Thank you very much... I got a face and body morph... How do I use it?
Thank you very much :) After installed, how do I use it? It won't show in smart content, will it?
They show up as morph sliders.
I found in parameters, g1, etc :) thanks
I downloaded a character, how do i open it? I dont find it in daz :/
this one
shes in a folder called characters, shes in the right folder, but i dont find her in my software...
please help?
She should have both sliders and a character file.
The character files are in Peopel > Genesis 2 Female > Characters > Shizuka in the Content Library, she does not have any metadata, so she won't show in Smart Content. The sliders are in Parameters > VRXCreations.
Oh! Thank you! :D It's so hard to find the things I install...
If I download a freebie that requires Victoria 4.2 morphs and face, and i dont have it, I cant even use the textures in my daz?
V4 textures can be used on the Base Genesis (original) by changing the setting in the Surfaces pane under UV Mapping. Genesis is UV Mapped to take skins from M4, V4 and Kids 4.
Oh, so only manually?
Not sure what you mean here?
You can still use a preset to change the texture, just make sure that the UV set being used in the Surfaces pane is the correct one.
I use V4 textures on Genesis all the time...some of my favorites are freebies. Genesis should load with the V4 UV set allready selected.
I mean that I have to select the texture for face, then for hands, then for feet, then for hips, then for torso, then for shouders, etc? I did it once manually, like that... I had to go through all things in genesis that required it and change part by part
Oh that's great! Do you know a good place to download skins? And also, if I make a skin myself, is there a way to save it as a character and upload so other people can use as well?
Usually, if you use a V4 preset, it will work...but the eyes may be 'off'.
ShareCG has some nice ones...
Thank you!