How much HD Space Do You Need?

in New Users
What are the installed sizes for Studio, Carrara, Hexagon, and Bryce?
My new PC has a 1TB hard drive (less OS, of course) so I wonder how much room installing all four programs would leave me, when all is said and done.
the programs don't need a lot of space. You have 1000 Gigabytes. And only need like 10 gigabytes for all those programs and their starter content.
Its the content that adds up over time. the more you buy, the more space you need. That said 1 TB isn't a bad amount to start with. But personally I keep my content off of my OS drive. But that is for easy management and stuff.
1 TB should hold you over for a bit.
If you keep backup copies from several points in time rather than just the most recent backup, your backup drive may use somewhat more space than your working drive. I have quite a bit of content all easily installed with applications on a 500GB drive, and a backup of the conent only is under 200GB in my case, but use 1TB backup drives, which let me put backups from multiple different years on the same drive.
Yes, it's the content that gobbles up your HD space. Let me put it this way; I have a 2TB external drive to supplement my main HD. I'm seriously thinking about getting a 3TB or 4TB external before too long. I had a look at my local computer shop's prices just last week, and it would be surprisingly not-too-expensive. Mind you, I don't just have D|S/Poser content cluttering up my system, but it does make up quite a big chunk of what I have.
If you have fast internet there is always the option of just using DIM to download what you need too or alternatively keep the zip files on another drive and uninstall content unused or even on your drive uninstalled in zips.