Iray and where I load various maps

in New Users
So I see this a lot when doing research on DAZ: Add a specular map, add a bump map, add a transparency map, add a transluency map.
My questions is simple. Into what options do I load these different maps after having converted a materal to the Iray shader?
on the surface tab you will see all the different places to apply the maps to.
Not really, there is no option after I apply the Iray shader that says specifically: Specular map :(
Here's where I put them
"Base Color" = colored texture
"Glossy Layered Weight" = specular
"base Bump" = bump
"Normal Map" = Normal
"Top Coat Base Bump" depending on your mode either bump/height or normal
"Cutout Opacity" = transparency
"Displacement Strength" = displacement
Hope this helps out :)
edit: ooops forgot the base color
Yes, that's going to take a little getting used to — all the names of the surfaces parameters are different, and it isn't always obvious what corresponds to the old names.
Thanks from me too icecrmn. Made a note of this for later reference.