"V3D HDR Master Bundle" (Commercial)



  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 603
    edited March 2023

    barbult said:

    Artini said:

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Artini said:

    @barbult: Amazing examples.

    How did you create these Matte objects?

    Load or create the objects, select them, then in the Content Library, in the content diectory to which you installed the base content, use Scripts>Utilities>Create Advanced Iray Node Properties. This will add a button labelled Enable Iray Matte in the Parameters pane, turn it on and then adjust the materials as needed (newly created promitives tend to be far too shiny).

    Thank you very much for the explanation. Looks like, I will be busy in my spare time.

    @Artini Also, Mec4D and WP Guru have both created YouTube videos about Iray Matte. I learned how to do it from Mec4D tutorials. There is also a product in the Daz store that employs the Iray matte technique, but you can do it yourself without buying anything. (I don't own that product and don't remember the name.) The Iray Matte capability is built into Daz Studio and Iray.

    Richard - More amazing Daz Stuff to know! Thanks for sharing that info!

    barbult - I remember watching the WP Guru's video on using Iray Matte sometime last year as an item of general interest but not necedsarily something that I would be using.  As it turns out,  I was already in on that topic since I had bought the Iray HDRI Toolkit (https://www.daz3d.com/iray-hdri-toolkit) even earlier in ate 2021. I explored it a little but did not realize what the Iray Matte function (that the product uses) was about.  Now I do!.  I just rewatched Jay's video and will watch the Mec4D video later.

    Post edited by jjoyner on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,105
    edited March 2023

    I use Matte Objects quite a lot. This is one of my own pictures with two Red Squirrels and a Crow added in Studio and Matte Objects to get the squirrels behind the branch and the Crow to stand on the other branch.

    2018-01-26 18:09:44.941 Total Rendering Time: 41 minutes 3.94 seconds

    Click on image for full size.



    1280 x 720 - 816K
    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited March 2023

    I agree Matte objects are super important partners to hdr renders! The toolkit is very good IMHO even if I prefer creating my own when I need them.

    Edit : as I'll finish the script update this week end, do you have special requests ? (I don't mean I'll do them, but sometimes nice idea popup this way for the common good)

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Norman_RNorman_R Posts: 95
    edited March 2023


    Translate to German lachen

    Post edited by Norman_R on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited March 2023

    Norman_R said:


    Translate to German lachen

    ..... Not sure I would be able to do that... Ich kann das nicht machen... XD

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • While this is an interesting concept and obviously a lot of work went into it, I found it less than optimal.  I bought it only to created HDRI previews.  I hoped it would automate preview creation.

    1) if you set it to work creating preview thumbnails on a large directory structure containing a lot of files, you cannot stop it or interrupt it - it runs to completion and your computer is unusable, as when each thumbnail render is complete it steals mouse/keyboard focus from any other application you're working on.  Bad implementation.

    2) I tried creating thumbnail previews from a library of HDRIs, but the resulting preview is useless.  It points down at an angle at the ground and I cannot see the panoramic landscape that I was expecting.  I had previously created previews for HDRIs with my photo editor -- just drop the HDRI into the editor and render/export out a 600x300 PNG preview and I can see the entire panorama.   The previews produced by this product are useless for me.


  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited March 2023

    Olo_Ordinaire said:

    While this is an interesting concept and obviously a lot of work went into it, I found it less than optimal.  I bought it only to created HDRI previews.  I hoped it would automate preview creation.

    1) if you set it to work creating preview thumbnails on a large directory structure containing a lot of files, you cannot stop it or interrupt it - it runs to completion and your computer is unusable, as when each thumbnail render is complete it steals mouse/keyboard focus from any other application you're working on.  Bad implementation.

    2) I tried creating thumbnail previews from a library of HDRIs, but the resulting preview is useless.  It points down at an angle at the ground and I cannot see the panoramic landscape that I was expecting.  I had previously created previews for HDRIs with my photo editor -- just drop the HDRI into the editor and render/export out a 600x300 PNG preview and I can see the entire panorama.   The previews produced by this product are useless for me.


    Hi, The preview creation is not implemented in the hdr creator directly because it corresponds to a development in itself.

    1 ) I guess you mention thumbnail creation on exr or hdr files? I am going to check this once again, but normally, you can ALWAYS interrupt it whenever you want, if you hold down the CRTL key while you cancel the render and keep it held down until your have the "Done!" Popup, the renders stop and you come back to the script interface. It is in the documentation I hope, if not, I'll add it. I don't understand, you loose your mouse when it renders? This is strange because it never happened, neither to me, not to my tester. Daz Studio simply launches renders WITH the camera you want, which can be either a part of your scene viewed by a Daz Studio Camera, or the full 360 HDR if you choose a 360 degree camera as the render camera. As I'm writing this message (right now), a series of 270 renders is currently being made and I'm on  microsoft word and blender in parallel, this is why I don't understand why it should not work on your computer... Do you have a Mac or a very old computer? Did you try to process the renders with smaller series (series of 50 for instance)? It's not a matter of implementation since there is not 100 ways to implement a series of renders so I try to understand what is specifically happening to you or to your computer, since we are several to have used it without any issue, so I'm intersting to know what can cause this to you (to find a solution if it can be solved).

    2 ) You have a video demo, the link in on the first page, showing how to use it (at the end of the video on the addon tools) : of you course you have to set up your camera yourself!!! The script cannot guess what you wish to render, either a part of the scene via a camera or via the perspective view, or the full 360, it's up to you and this is probably written in the documentation. If you don't like the angle you render, simply choose either a 360 camera (create the camera via V3D HDR Mananger), or a camera more representative of want you want. IN THE INTERFACE, YOU MUST CHOOSE THE CAMERA YOU USE. The video shows how, on specific previews you don't like, you can easily replace it by another one. If you have questions I'm here to answer.

    By the way : I automated the creation of all my downloaded hdr this way, and the folders were pretty big. Here between two renders, I always had access to my mouse and keyboard whatever I do..  Can you tell me what computer you use and how many files you try to render? Does it remove your mouse from all applications at the end of the renders (because the times to write that, a lot of renders ended, and I never lost anything).

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Olo_OrdinaireOlo_Ordinaire Posts: 739
    edited March 2023

    Thanks for responding.

    I'm not creating *new* HDRs with the tool.  I'm using it to process and create preview thumbnails for my library of existing HDRI images.  When it's operating on a long list of directories with multiple, existing HDRI images in them, the process cannot be interrupted.   In addition, as each preview in the list is created, the application "steals" focus from any other activity you're trying to do on the system while the batch operation is underway.

    The preview generated from the *existing* HDRI images appears to be a cropped image, with a fixed, limited camera angle, pointing down about 45 degrees.   The full HDRI image is NOT in the preview, so it is  useless.

    If the tool wasn't meant to generate full previews, I'll just go back to using my photo editor.


    Post edited by Olo_Ordinaire on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited March 2023

    The tool is meant to generate the preview you want, either full previews, or preview on some part of the image, as you want. The preview will be the one of your camera, and if you want full previews, you just have to use a 360 camera.

    I understood that you were not creating new HDRs, and there is absolutely no reasons why the process cannot be interrupted as the interruption does NOTdepend on how many renders you make or how many files are handled, before launching any render, and at the end of any render, it analyses if you are holding down the CRTL key. If it is the case, then it stops. I am now testing on a list of 600 files, and I have no issues.

    For STOPPING you have to HOLD DOWN the CRTL key,  you click on "cancel" at the bottom of the rendering window on a render and you KEEP ON holding this CRTL/CMD key UNTIL the "Done!" message appears. It can take a few seconds depending on how long it takes to Daz Studio to record the render on the cumputer and end it properly (without any additional rendering, just finalizing).

    I don't know how it it possible that the process steals the focus, because it is just basically a render (well several). So here is my question : basically, when you render "normally" (without my script) does Daz Studio steals the focus of your other applications?

    So that I can help you, here are some questions I need to know :

    1. What computer are you using? MAC, PC? In general when you render, can you access other applications?

    2. You can set up a full preview, for this you just have to use a 360 camera. Did you create a 360 camera  to have a full preview and selected it as your camera in the script interface?

    3. Do you have the same "steal" issues if you select smaller lists of files? How many files do you try to render (600 files are ok for me)

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    I made a super short video on how to do 360 renders of your hdr or exr files, and how to cancel them. It is much shorter than the full addon video mentioned on the first page of this thread.



  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited March 2023

    @Olo_Ordinaire OK I had a deeper look at "V3DHDR Addon Tools 03 For Images", in a text editor. In this script, there is, in a comment line, an accent, and this is badly treated by Daz Studio, this defect being only visible in a text editor and not in script IDE, and I thought, in this file there was no such lines - because there were no issue in all the tests that were made.

    I already had interface issues or weird interface behaviors with other bacth processes in the past due to those comment lines with accents (on old products during development stages). I don't say I'm sure it's the reason you had those "steal" issues - maybe something making your process more sensitive to it, maybe the amount of files since it is in the loop to build the array of files to process - but since it might be related, the addon tools will be updated early next week in order to remove this comment line (then the update will need to be re-tested by Daz before it is released). I hope it will fix your issue. In the meatime you can PM me to have the new version.

    All the scripts will be double checked in a text editor  to see if an accent is remaining, which is pretty fastidious (so far I test half of them, and it was the only one with an issue).

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • AdreanAdrean Posts: 135
    edited March 2023

    V3Digitimes said:

    No problem Artini :)

    You're right Barbult, I did not see this question. No it cannot be rendered with 3Delight. When the exr is rendered, the renderer will automatically be set to Iray. Yet, if you render a hdr environment map with Iray, you can re-use it in 3Delight as the environment map, using the OmUberEnviromnents (I don't remember the exact spelling, but it sounds like something like this).

    Thanks! That's great to know. Is it possible to make (or force) it work with 3Delight though? Or maybe a separate version for 3Delight (as the engine might work better in some situations)?

    Also thanks a lot, Barbult.

    Post edited by Adrean on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    Adrean said:

    V3Digitimes said:

    No problem Artini :)

    You're right Barbult, I did not see this question. No it cannot be rendered with 3Delight. When the exr is rendered, the renderer will automatically be set to Iray. Yet, if you render a hdr environment map with Iray, you can re-use it in 3Delight as the environment map, using the OmUberEnviromnents (I don't remember the exact spelling, but it sounds like something like this).

    Thanks! That's great to know. Is it possible to make (or force) it work with 3Delight though? Or maybe a separate version for 3Delight (as the engine might work better in some situations)?

    Also thanks a lot, Barbult.

    I don't remember 3Delight enough to answer right now. It's been several years that I have not used it at all. I'll have a look during the week and let you know if there is a possible and easy solution.
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973
    edited March 2023

    Olo_Ordinaire said:

    Thanks for responding.

    I'm not creating *new* HDRs with the tool.  I'm using it to process and create preview thumbnails for my library of existing HDRI images.  When it's operating on a long list of directories with multiple, existing HDRI images in them, the process cannot be interrupted.   In addition, as each preview in the list is created, the application "steals" focus from any other activity you're trying to do on the system while the batch operation is underway.

    The preview generated from the *existing* HDRI images appears to be a cropped image, with a fixed, limited camera angle, pointing down about 45 degrees.   The full HDRI image is NOT in the preview, so it is  useless.

    If the tool wasn't meant to generate full previews, I'll just go back to using my photo editor.


    I don't think there is a problem with the tool. I am getting beautiful full 360 view preview renders from the "2. Tools HDR Images Addon Tools" script. Some HDR preview examples are attached. Is that the tool you are using to generate previews, or something else?

    As V3Digitimes explained, the preview will render from the camera you select in the script. If you don't select one, it will use the Perspective View, which is probably NOT the view you want to use. I created a spherical camera by simply creating a new camera and setting the Lens Distortion Type (in the Parameters pane) to spherical. Then I selected that camera in the 2. Tools HDR Images Addon Tools script. I chose a size of 1024 by 512. It renders pretty quickly. I attached the camera preset file here if you want to try it. Just put it in your content library in Camera Presets. I also tried the recommendation of holding the Ctrl key to cancel and it worked fine.

    I have no problem doing other things on my computer outside of Daz Studio while the previews are running. I do have my Daz Studio Render Settings CPU Thread Affinity on and allow Daz Studio to use only 11 of my 12 CPU threads, leaving one free for other tasks. That may help.

    1024 x 512 - 790K
    Streets of Japan Cam BV.prev.png
    1024 x 512 - 858K
    BV Dry river Bed 1 AB Denoise HDRI.prev.png
    1024 x 512 - 1021K
    Create HDR Previews.png
    681 x 732 - 80K
    HDR Preview Camera Spherical.duf
    Post edited by barbult on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited March 2023

    Thanks for confirming it works as it is supposed to for you Barb!!!

    OK, I just implemented the update for the V3DHDR Addon Tools 03 For Images script, of the "Addon" product, which is the script allowing to batch process series of exr and hdr files on your computer in order to create for those images the previews you want. In this update, which should be submitted next week :

    - fixed an "accent" issue in one of the comment lines, which might have lead to interface issues for large sets of files processed.

    - Added two buttons : one is a link to this thread in the forum, the second one allows you to create a 360 degrees camera directly from within the script (by default horizontal, centered on the scene, with an height of 150 cm), and to be able to use it as the render camera without leaving the script - useful for people who want to render the full 360 preview "as the original file"

    - Added a procedure to check if the user launches series of renders with the perspective view as the camera. If yes, the user will be asked to confirm or not this choice, allowing the possibility to change the camera before (re)launching the batch renders.

    edit :

    - fixed : depending on when you canceled a series of render, some of the initial render settings were not restored. This is now solved.

    I hope this will help. I still have to update the documentation for this one.

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited March 2023

    I hope, that you release the camera fix, as well. It will help me a lot.

    For now the rendered HDRi does not correspond to the camera location.

    Perspective View camera


    Created V3D Env Camera


    Rendered HDRi with Dome Rotation = 0


    1203 x 759 - 404K
    1213 x 763 - 318K
    1383 x 1029 - 360K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited March 2023

    The dream for me would be to receive HDRi at zero rotation that match the view of my designated camera view.

    After further thoughts, I got desired view after I have rotated dome to 70 degrees and that is fine.

    I do not know if it matters, but rendering at dome rotation 0 or 360 degrees

    would in theory show seam on the HDRi, so better stick to the other angles.

    Probably the best would be to render at dome rotation 180 degrees.

    The question is, how to achieve that:

    get HDRi that visualize camera view at dome rotation 180 degrees.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    And I think you'll love the next update. Barbult made a few tests on this subject : when Daz Studio renders then displays a hdr, if you want to maintain the front view as the "front view" between the scene and the hdr you load, you have to start with a -90 V3D camera Y rotation. That's why in the new version (1.1) of the script camera creation, you will have additional options (keys you press when you create the camera), so that the Env camera is at the exact active camera location, with the same focal length and with an absolute -90 Y rotation (you have to press alt when you create your camera, this is in the update to come). This way for a front view of your scene will correspond to a front view of your hdr. I just added another new option, when if you press shift + alt when you launch the script, you can now have for the V3D Camera  the exact same location as the active camera and a rotation being your current camera rotation minus 90. This other new option allows that, when you have a camera looking at a specific area of the 3D Scene, this specific area will be the front view of your hdr. It's currently being tested and so far works (both the new options provided and mentioned here).

    Not sure the update will be submitted on monday since I have all the doc to update too, and I'd like to make some more tests to be 100% sure, but it should be early in the week.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    @V3Digitimes: You are simply the best heartkissheart

    Take your time. I will wait patiently for the update.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited March 2023

    In the meantime, I have experimented with the occluders...


    1920 x 1080 - 979K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    Thanks, I'm still experimenting and it looks fine so far. Nice job with the occluders but... You just cut her leg!!!!

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973
    edited March 2023

    Here are a couple more scenes with HDRIs. One was made from UltraScenery and the other from Streets of Japan.


    Lion and Sheep on Australia HDR.jpg
    2000 x 1125 - 2M
    Streets of Japan using HDR Cam BV SOx2 PS 16K.jpg
    2000 x 1125 - 2M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,368
    edited March 2023

    barbult said:

    Here are a couple more scenes with HDRIs. One was made from UltraScenery and the other from Streets of Japan.


    Poor Dolly!

    For those who don't know, Dolly was the world's first cloned sheep.

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited March 2023

    Ok, fixed. It looks like occluders can cause some unexpected confusion.


    1920 x 1080 - 767K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    Her leg is back!!! Hurray!!! I feared it might have been eaten by the lion which ate Dolly!!! Thanks for sharing this good news... And this render ;)

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337

    Thanks, @V3Digitimes.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,337
    edited March 2023

    Another attempt of indoors scene - https://www.daz3d.com/cyber-garage

    Have increased Min Samples to 250 in Progressive Rendering - rendering time has increased to 18 minutes 58 seconds 

    and fireflies are still in. HDRI resolution was 8192 by 4096 pixels.

    With the default Min Samples = 5, rendering time was 2 minutes 58 seconds).

    Then I have rendered https://www.daz3d.com/ironmech-construction-set with this HDRI

    Rendering Time: 51 seconds, but fireflies are still visible


    1000 x 1200 - 354K
    Post edited by Artini on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973

    Trying to render large complex scenes to HDR causes my computer to fall to CPU when it tries to start denoising, because of not enough memory (on GPU, I assume). I also get those fireflies in that case. Check you DS log and see if that is what is happening to you.

  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited March 2023

    my result is pixelated.

    I rendered a scene in UltraScenery, but the result .exr is pixelated.

    I let the settings by default except the pathes. I also set the luminance to 3.

    What's wrong here?


    1014 x 595 - 514K
    497 x 713 - 214K
    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
  • Lonesome CowboyLonesome Cowboy Posts: 153
    edited March 2023

    barbult said:

    Trying to render large complex scenes to HDR causes my computer to fall to CPU when it tries to start denoising, because of not enough memory (on GPU, I assume). I also get those fireflies in that case. Check you DS log and see if that is what is happening to you.

    i guess you have already set the Instancing Optimization to "Memory"?
    Fireflies appear when there is a problem with the light.

    Last time yesterday i got ff when i added the Tenebroso Softlights to my UltraScenery Scene: They didn't enlighten the scene but produced Fireflies.

    Denoising didn't have any effect on my scene. Because the Daz denoiser is very bad, i am using a better one. I am using the denoiser from Declan Russell. This is the best denoiser i have ever seen before. It's a command-line-tool, you have to use it as a batch-file on Windows.




    Post edited by Lonesome Cowboy on
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