Undo button only undoes actions sometimes?

I've used numerous different art programs and never run into this issue before and can't find any info on it. 90% of the time when I hit undo, it undoes the last action as expected. But seemingly at random the undo stack will not record actions taken and won't undo what I just did. For example, I was just working on posing-- I did one of the arms with no issue then moved onto the legs, but now when I hit undo, it will not undo anything changed after the arm was posed. Instead it undoes the last thing I did with the arm several minutes ago rather than the legs.

It's not only posing, I had the same issue with shaping the other day as well. Everything worked fine until about halfway through editing the nose and after that, it refused to record any new shape changes made in the undo stack. Please help.


  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 379

    More often than sometimes. Better save your work before any action that may require an undo, you'll save time and your sanity! DS undo is a poor feature IMHO.

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