What software would I use...?

in New Users
Hi all,
I'm still pretty new to 3D stuff, and still learning etc. I quite like rendering fantasy images from a roleplaying game I'm involved in, which involves a lot of skeletons.
Luckily, I have some skeleton models. However, I really want a large demon made out of bones, like - lots of bones stuck together. There isn't a model like this that I can find, but I was thinking I could make one? What software would I use for this? I'm wondering if there's something I could use that I could import several skeleton models into, delete unneeded parts of them, stick them together, and save the resulting model so I could import it back into Daz. Is that possible? What software would I use for that?
There is a Michael 4 Skeleton and Victoria 4 Skeleton - I assume you have something like that as your "skeleton models".
What it sounds like what you are talking about is something known in the 3D world as "rigging". There might be tutorials on this, but that's where to get started I think.
(also a newbie)
The simple answer is - any 3D modelling program (Hexagon, Carrara, Blender, etc., etc.). However, what you are describing (delete unneeded parts of them, stick them together, and save the resulting model), is far easier said than done. You are going to be creating an entirely new model despite utilizing parts of existing model meshes, and the selection and "sticking them together" parts are not as easy as it sounds, especially for anyone unfamiliar with 3D modelling applications. You will need to invest some significant time learning the application first, in the latter case. Then, as AllThatxAx said, the figures will need to be re-rigged from scratch to allow movement, not to mention required new UV mapping to allow for texturing. Whether taking the approach you are suggesting will be easier than just making a new model entirely from scratch is a toss-up, IMO.
Lets take zBursh for example... Import Micheal 4/Victoria 4 skeleton mesh into zBrush using the Daz Studio to zBrush bridge. Draw in the figure into zBrush and go into edit. You will need to examine how zBrush interpreted the skeleton model such as how many subtools were created and what bones or parts of the model are subtools. What you want to do is organize your model into workable subtools by taking the existing imported arrangement and reconconfiguring it to your specific needs, by creating new polygroups and then creating new sub tools. A sub tool is a part of model. For example a skeleton could have the human skull as a sub tool, the rib cage could be a sub tool and so on. You could take the rib cage and further isolate different parts of it using polygroups and convert those groups into sub tools. The point is you are organizing the model into working parts where you can take each part/subtool resculpt the bones/parts/subtools to differents sizes and shapes using the variety of brushes in zBrush to construct your demon.
Once you have your demon model/mesh created then you polypaint and create UVs and textures. If want your demon to have moveable limbs so you can pose the monster in daz studio then you will need to rig your model. Daz Stuido provides tools for rigging a new mesh/model/geometery.
Hope this gives you some insight.