Adding text...

in New Users
Can anyone tell me please, is there a way to add lettering to a scene in DAZ or do I need to do that in Photoshop after rendering ?
For example - If I have a delivery van, is there a product around that will let me put sign writing on the side of it, or if I wanted to add names to signs outside shops and such, can it be done ?
I've tried a seach for add-ons in this line, maybe I'm using the wrong questions to get any answers, but so far I can't find anything.
Thanks.... Jon T.
You could make your sign in photoshop
Then in Daz go to Create -> Primitive -> then either plane or cube
Place the plane (or cube) where you want it and size it, then go to the surfaces tab for your plane (or cube) and on the little "v" arrow next to diffuse (in 3Delight, I can't remember what it's called off-hand in Iray) browse to your sign image and select it.
A quicker way, but not always possible, is to open the texture map of the van and use a 2D program to type in the text onto the map. Resave the new map not over the original. You can do the same with existing signs on buildings.
If the van texture is a shader rather than an image map you cant really do it this way. You don't make it clear if you want to add text to an existing surface, or create a sign as a seperate free-standing object.
There is also the Layer Image Editor in Studio.
Yeah, if your object has any texture to it like bumps or indents, or has any moving parts like doors or windows that you want the letters "painted" on
Then I would definately create a new texture for the object with the lettering added on in a photo program.
You can find the texture used by the object by going to it's surface tab and the diffuse section as mentioned above for the primitive object
Instead of a "v" arrow though, you will see a little image. Click on that, then click browse. That will take you to the folder that the current texture is in. Copy the path from the browse window that pops up and cancel.
Then you can open explorer on your pc and paste the address to the folder containing the texture (sometimes they are burried and hard to find)
Exactly right kaotkbliss, except you can locate the image map in DS the way you mentioned, but then right click it and select open. It should open in whatever your default 2D program is. A bit quicker way to do it.
I didn't make it clear as to whether I wanted to add to an existing or create new because I want to do both/either Ashley, I just used the van as an example because I was doing a scene involving a van at the time and was thinking I'd like to be able to put a name down the side of it. I do have a product added to DAZ which will put letters and numbers in to a scene but they are all 3D objects and only one font.
Thanks guys... I have done texture stuff before so I should be able to work something out if I have to go down that route, in the past I've modded textures and added all kinds of decals and lettering on to race cars for 'rFactor' racing sim, I was just hoping that some genius somewhere had worked out a way to just kind of type in what you wanted straight in to a scene.