new folder orginization?

in New Users
I have been downloading a LOT of stuff and now im finally settling down to make my first real series. I had heard aa million times over to make your own directories which i ignored till now but I want them for this particualar set. How do I avoid having data and runtime and stuffs like that popping up in the folder like this tho? Is it possible?

195 x 223 - 13K
All the data folders you dowloaded must be merged to the base data folder of your content library, and all the runtime folders merged to the base runtime folder. That's where your item is supposed to find the files it needs to work.
If that is a snapshot from your Content Library in DS, the fact that one can see the Data and Runtime folders there means your content has not been installed correctly.
The data and Runtime folders must be in the root of a content directory (which is not itself a sub-folder of another content directory), Most of the other folders can safely be renamed or moved, though that will break updates and may cause issues with other tools that need access to files in expected locations (e.g. UltraScenery add-ons, or numerous Code66 scene building tools). Categories can be used to organise content (right-click menu) or you can create links in whatever location you like that point to the original location (right-click copy and paste options in the Content Library, for example) which will not cause issues.
hahaha was just coming to say now that I could sit down and play wiht this again I had tried tossing that shit in the normal runtime/data folders and fixed it. but thank you so much I can't believe I was that stupid haha