Trouble changing hair color on dforce hair

I can't seem to change the color of dforce hair all that well. It only seems to slightly change the color but remain mostly gray. Like the image below is apparently "blonde" hair. Anyone know why this is happening?

1920 x 1040 - 309K


  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 379

    In the Scene Tab, try to select the Hair, not the Cap.

  • nutkrakernutkraker Posts: 17

    rosseliani said:

    In the Scene Tab, try to select the Hair, not the Cap.

    I've already tried both. Whether I have cap or hair selected doesn't seem to change anything. 

  • nutkrakernutkraker Posts: 17

    I was able to finally get the color I wanted by manually going into the surface tab and changing the hair root highlight and hair tip highlight colors to a blonde color, then boosting the highlight weight. But would still be nice to know how to fix this because sometimes I would prefer the ease of use of just being able to click a button to change color in the content tabs :)

  • rosselianirosseliani Posts: 379

    Did you try the Iray ON /Iray OFF function?

    voila hair store.png
    1435 x 838 - 213K
  • nutkrakernutkraker Posts: 17

    rosseliani said:

    Did you try the Iray ON /Iray OFF function?

    Hmmm I just tried turning it on a couple times and everytime Daz just crashed. Not sure what the setting does but yeah when I turn it on while I'm on iray view, or turn it on then switch to iray, it crashes. 

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