How to Get Carrara 8.5 Pro to Search for Content AGAIN?

I had to install Carrara 8.5 Pro (due to a very large corporation insisting on mucking with my operating system).  And I forgot that I needed to install native content before I launched the app so Carrara went ahead and did the content search.  Now I'm missing all the default scenes and the wizards don't work. How can I get it to search again now that the content is installed?

And I apologize for asking this question for what I'm sure is the zillioneth time but even google couldn't find the answer.


  • Hi,

    When installing the native content, did you choose the 8.5 pro location on the hard drive? 

    I am asking because i reinstalled windows 10 on my computer today with Carrara 8.5 Pro. I installed Carrara first and open it up and made to the scan. 

    After that, i installed the native content and i made certain that i choose the location of Carrara 8.5 pro correctly because the Native Content installer gave me another location to install.

    When it was done, open carrara again and everything was there no need to ran the scan again.

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited September 2015

    I don't use the installer. I just copied the folders from the zip file into my Carrara 8.5 folder, using my Carrara 8 folder as a guide.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Have been able to get it to work?

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992
    edited September 2015

    ok - i just checked my Carrara 8 folder and I'm missing all the Scenes in 8.5.  Let me go look at the downloads again...

    Post edited by sandmanmax on
  • Figured it out.  The Carrara 8.5 Pro bundle includes Carrara 8 content, Carrara 8.5 Content (notice no Pro in file name) and Carrara 8.5 Pro Content.  I installed all of these in order of oldest to newest as listed and it seems like everything is there now.  At least the Landscape wizard is working.  I'll check the rest later.  I think I need to back up my system again because having to completely reset all my defaults is a pain.

  • Cool to know that Carrara is wokring again for you. Yes resetting anything is always a pain.

    Good luck.

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