Mesh grabber and geoshells

golem841golem841 Posts: 137

I must be totally stupid.

Since WWD is not working anymore, I'm trying to tweak garments with the mesh grabber.

Of course, I should read the whole documentation, but there's something that totally puzzling me : how come the use of the mesh grabber severely affects geoshells surfaces ?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,890

    A Geometry Shell is a live version of the base mesh, any chnage to the base mesh will be reflected in the shell.

  • golem841golem841 Posts: 137

    Thank you, Richard, for your answer,

    in fact geoshells are losing their shaders.

    By the way, is there a solution to "lock" and make assets undeformable when using mesh grabber ?

    When I try to move the geometry of garments meshes to avoid poke-through, I often end up with an unwanted deformation of the people under.

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