Geoshell Eye Builder affects everything except the eyes
Recently started trying to use this:
Trying to apply any of the geoshells seems to apply the inverse of what it should be. The shell covers the whole torso, chest, neck and head, but not the face. I've tried using the prebuilt eyes and tried using the asset to build my own, both come out with the same result. Does anyone have experience working with this asset that could tell me what I'm doing wrong?

geoshell problem.png
2560 x 1400 - 2M
That's because you're trying to use a Genesis 8.1 product on a Genesis 8 female. The surface that's white (Torso) is not called the same in Genesis 8.1 (Body). So you need to select the Geoshell, then in the Parameters Tab > Visibility > Surfaces > Torso (toggle this one to OFF).
Aha. Perfect, that was it. It doesn't seem to work on a G8 model, only on an 8.1. Even if I hide the other surfaces, the eyes/face are still unaffected.
Ah, apologies, that is correct. The Genesis 8.1 Eyes are a bit different from Genesis 8. Your only option would be to load your current Genesis 8 character on the Genesis 8.1 Base. To do that, you can save your character's skin as a material preset and the shape as a shape preset. You can also save the eyebrows and hair as a wearable preset. Then load Genesis 8.1 and apply those presets to her.