African Style Clothing

I am looking for clothing some African inspired clothing for both males and females and there doesn't seem to be much available. It would be nice if one of the PAs would make some clothing for both the G8 and G9 figures.
Africa is a pretty big place - and has changed a lot over time. What sort of thing were you thinking of?
Meshitup has made a number of African outfits, as well as Middle Eastern, Indian etc. Kakenda is African-INSPIRED (or, more likely, inspired by the movie Black Panther), but not authentic.
Thank you Richard and Gordig for the replies. I am thinking of clothing along the lines of the Kente outfits for V3 ( or a traditional Kanga ( Even modern clothing like a daishiki. Meshitup does have some African clothing but it is more Northern Africa/Aradic than what I am looking for.
I'd also love more clothing for historical sub-Sahran Africa! I've got a client who writes books in an African fantasy setting, so I'm always on the look out for things I can use for those pieces.
Have you seen the Sunshine dress?
My big advice is to use use shaders. Look for something where the shape of the clothing is right, then swap out the textures. Specifically, I'd recommend the Colorful Fabric Shaders.
Here are some outfits I've either used with shaders or which have been on my list of potentials:
The Catherine Outfit. With or without the shawl.
The Roxie Outfit.
The BoHo Beautiful Set.
The Pareos Pack.
And Meshitup's clothing can also be reworked with shaders.
There's a few different khaftans in the store that I've also used before.
For more modern African clothing, you should also check out Sdeb's store. I don't think we're allowed to link off site, but he has a daishiki outfit for G8F!
Thank you for the links sarahwaitestx. These do look promising.
MysticArtDesign have a complet massai set, but its not at daz. I made a "gift texture" expansion for it.
As far I know one another PA working on an african set here at daz, i think she doesnt read the forum.
Also I working on one, it will be semi modern, semi-authentic male outfit.