Question about posing a torso bending forward...

Hi, first question on the forums. Got into Daz 2 weeks ago and been going nuts in the Daz store (I refuse to look at how much I spent, it is mindboggling... THAT sale! It's like Steam sales all over again...)
Aaanyways... Trying to pose my girl bending down in front of a bathroom mirror, applying lipstick with one hand held down on the countertop. I figure I'm going to bend forward at the pelvis, a little bit more at abdomen, and bend back a little at abdomen2 so she's facing the mirror. My problem is that bending the pelvis raises her legs forward instead of having her torso bend forward and I'd like to avoid having to bend the legs and then rotate the whole character back to put her feet back on the ground.
Is it possible to force the pelvis bend to push the torso forward instead of pulling the legs up?
Thanks for the help.
I raised a similar question a few weeks ago, and surprisingly the short answer seems to be that there isn't a way to bend forward at the hips. You do as you are doing, bend the legs and feet up first, then rotate the figure so the feet are on the ground again. To rotate the figure the best way seems to be to select the hip bone in the scene tab and apply the rotation to that.
In Dazworld, which is a strange place, I guess people don't bend at the hip in quite the way your ordinary human does. But then nobody I know has a thumb that bends/doesn't bend the way they bend/don't bend in Dazworld, to give one other example.
I think the problem is that the 'hip' bone is the root bone, and everything else is parented to it.
There are pose controls for bending, which will keep the feet on the floor.