I import a boxershorts mesh and after using the "Transfer Utility" it is misplaced

I have some basic knowledge about 3d so bear with me if I miss something obvious. I just made a first test to learn how to create some custom clothing in Marvelous Designer and then to use in DAZ.
I exported a "fresh" Michael 8 figure (without any morphs, positioning etc.) as an object, used this figure in Marvelous Designer to create a basic garment for that and exported this garment itself as an OBJ. When I first import this garment into DAZ3D everything looks good (see attached file "garment just imported". When I then use the "Transfer Utility" to parent the garment to the figure with the attached settings the boxershots is paced very strangely (see attached "garment after transfer"). I am not sure but it seems to me that the garment gets wider and is moving a little bit up. Can somebody help me?

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That doesn't look like a default Genesis 8 Male - does it chnage if you use Edit>Figure>Zero>Zero Figuer Shape? If it does check that none of your Genesis 8 Male characters have updates available, if not then load the Genessi 8 Male Dev Load and go to Ed\it>Figure>Zero>Zero Shape, then Edit>Figure>Memorise>Memorise Figure Shape, and finally File>Save As>Support Assets>Save Modified Assets. If you take a screenshot of the dialogue that opens at that last step that will identify the problem product.
It's this character: https://www.daz3d.com/michael-8 - actually when I do the "Edit>Figure>Zero>Zero Figuer Shape" the shape changes. Can you explain to me what is happening here? Do I get it right that this Michael8 figure is a morph of the Basic Genesis Male 8 figure or something like this?!
Ok so know when I use this base figure for export, fitting the boxershorts in Marvelous Designer and exporting from MD / importing the garment to Daz3d the boxershort is correctly placed onto the figure even after using the Transfer Utility tool, thank you. I even managed to re-apply the Michael figure and the boxershorts gets fitted to him. Thank you for clarifying - I need to get familiar with all this Genesis and morph universe
Would you mind answering me my questions to get a better understanding of all this?
Thank you very much in advance for your affords.
It is best to build clothing on base Genesis 8 male, and use the transfer utility with the same Genesis Base.
If you modeled the clothes on a morphed character you need to tell Transfer Utility explicitely, otherwise it will assume it's made for the default shape.
Run the transfer utility using the mrophed version of the figure as the source and make sure you have the "Reverse Source Shape from Target" box checked, and "item shape: current" in the source parameters.
That way DS knows what modified shape it was made for and can "undo" those modifications to make it fit the base figure.