Wha's the next Character PFA

PFAPFA Posts: 119
edited April 2024 in The Commons

Hi Guys!
I'm currently working on a new characters for g9 and I wanted to hear some of your opinions .
I'm recreating Roy for genesis 9 as he was such a popular character. He isn't a copy of the g8 version at all. I have developed as a creator and sculpture since his realese so this Roy is how I would create his disgn but with my today's skills. His face is more proportional and realistic and he is also no symetrical. Do let me know if re-releasing Roy is a good Idea or not .

This Character still has no name :/


And this Is Alvaro, I wanted to adventure myself into older characters, he will come with this hair


Post edited by PFA on


  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,503
    edited May 2023

    Since I expect to purchase them all,  I don't know if I can add something practical but I look forward to the new products. I would be thrilled with a new Roy!

    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • PFAPFA Posts: 119

    nemesis10 said:

    Since I expect to purchase them all,  I don't know if I can add something practical but I look forward to the new products. I would be thrilled with a new Roy!

    I'm really glad to hear that haha, which one would you like to see in the store first? :)

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,503

    Oh, Roy, please!

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I have little interest in male characters, but like the female and excited to see new G9 assets!

  • QuixotryQuixotry Posts: 917

    I would definitely get Roy. The character's face looks great and I really like the details you've shown on his upper body. Alvaro would probably also be a quick buy for me and I'm very picky about what male characters I buy. The face looks really good and while I wouldn't quite call him "old" he does have a more mature look about him that's appealing.

  • Looking forward to seeing all 3 in the store.

    I like Roy a lot, but I think I'd vote for Alvaro to come out first.

    I'm just happy to see anything you create in the store, PedroFurtadoArts!



  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    Seconding Alvaro here, love characters with personalities!

  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    They look great. I vote for Roy.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    They look great. I think the first character's neck is really big/long in proportion to his head, but they all look nice. I wish you luck in releasing them. 

  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    edited May 2023
    I like all of them but will put Roy G9 to the end of the list, as I already have Roy G8. Alvaro is yummy, I think I will get him first
    Post edited by CHWT on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    edited May 2023

    They all look really great. I want them all. LOL

    Alvaro looks like some of the members of my family. Hahaha.

    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903

    I like all of them, but it would be nice if Alvaro could come first, especially since there is a version of Roy already.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    I like Roy but his neck appears to be a tad too long, or perhaps it is the poses. 

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    Worlds_Edge said:

    I like Roy but his neck appears to be a tad too long, or perhaps it is the poses. 

    Yes, I do agree his neck is too long and maybe a bit too thick for the size of his head also. But he looks good otherwise :) 

  • pjwhoopie@yandex.com[email protected] Posts: 793
    edited May 2023

    Roy looks like a young Kevin Bacon...

    They're all good.  The catalog doesn't have enough 40-55 year old men.  They don't necessarily have to be "Dad Bod" types, but I run into very few of my peers that have a six pack in any other place but their hands.  Crows feet, salt & Pepper hair, and weight they want to lose yes, but a body with 14% body fat and wrinkle free skin? 
    Not so much... 

    For the Female Name... She really looks like a Clarice to me, but there have been a couple in Daz's catalog (though that hasn't stopped other PA's)

    Islay: Pronounced "eye-lah" Though the form "Isla" has become increasilngly popular, "Islay" is Scottish/Gaelic meaning "Island".  My wife and I really wanted to name our daughter Islay, but we knew everyone would butcher the pronunciation and say it  " iz-Lay "
    Kayla: Slim & Fair
    Mirren: "Beloved"
    Clarissa/Clarice  From the latin Clara, meaning bright or clear. also a variant of Claire or Clarice, Clarissa. Bright; shining and gentle; famous

    Post edited by [email protected] on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,212
    edited May 2023
    I look forward to them. :3
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • RuthvenRuthven Posts: 659

    Roy is surely a must-have

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I vote for Alvaro, but I would be happy with Roy or the gal since I seem to be outvoted here.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,923

    Ville Valo vibes on Roy face. Looks great :)

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,056

    I would like a version of Surgical Beauty for G9. I use those morphs often on G8. 

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037

    I personally would love to see Cartoonizer for G9 and Babyfication  for G9,please.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    I'll second that motion! The reworked characters are very attractive, but for my projects Cartoonized is essential.

  • PFAPFA Posts: 119

    carrie58 said:

    I personally would love to see Cartoonizer for G9 and Babyfication  for G9,please.

    Got it! But there I have just released a product called "The age" and it's just like babyfication but it also Adds more life stages. I love to use this to create stories and show the characters when they were younger 

  • PFAPFA Posts: 119

    JOdel said:

    I'll second that motion! The reworked characters are very attractive, but for my projects Cartoonized is essential.

    OK, I had no idea people were still interested in that concept ...Consider it done !  

  • PFAPFA Posts: 119

    Wonderland said:

    I would like a version of Surgical Beauty for G9. I use those morphs often on G8. 

     This is also something I didn't know people wanted. I can certainly do that

  • Alvaro looks interesting.

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,037
    edited May 2023

    PedroFurtadoArts said:

    carrie58 said:

    I personally would love to see Cartoonizer for G9 and Babyfication  for G9,please.

    Got it! But there I have just released a product called "The age" and it's just like babyfication but it also Adds more life stages. I love to use this to create stories and show the characters when they were younger 

    It's on my wish list  didn't realize it took the character as young as Babyfication ,moved to the top of the list .Thank you very much

    Never mind  I bought it so no longer on the wish list ,laugh

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    PedroFurtadoArts said:

    JOdel said:

    I'll second that motion! The reworked characters are very attractive, but for my projects Cartoonized is essential.

    OK, I had no idea people were still interested in that concept ...Consider it done !  

    Thank you. I always assumed Cartoonized was your most popular product, but now seeing this thread maybe Roy was instead.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    PedroFurtadoArts said:

    carrie58 said:

    I personally would love to see Cartoonizer for G9 and Babyfication  for G9,please.

    Got it! But there I have just released a product called "The age" and it's just like babyfication but it also Adds more life stages. I love to use this to create stories and show the characters when they were younger 

    Yes, I have purchased it and play all the time on my collection of G9 characters. Thanks for making it.


  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    PedroFurtadoArts said:

    JOdel said:

    I'll second that motion! The reworked characters are very attractive, but for my projects Cartoonized is essential.

    OK, I had no idea people were still interested in that concept ...Consider it done !  

    Yes, I would also like to have Cartoonized for G9 - great, that you consider it.


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