Is there documentation for DzEnvironmentNode?

I was looking at setting the "Environment Map" for a Scene, which to my surprise was not part of the render settings, but part of the "Environment Settings" node, which I found out is a `DzEnvironmentNode`.

I can't find any documentation for this class, not on the website, and also not in the SDK header files.

The tricky part about the "Environment Map" is that it's a `DzFloatProperty` if you 'find' it as a property, which controls .. well, something. It's not the intensity because that's a seperate property. In any case, I can't seem to find how to set the map path (texture? whatever you want to call it).

I checked how this is saved in a .duf file and it's saved as an 'extra' or a 'channel', none of which I can find a mapping for in the scripting API.

I suspect that surfaces have a similar structure for properties like base color, bump maps and so on. So I currently don't know if this is done through a `DzProperty`, or if there is a special function on the `DzEnvironmentNode`.

I looked through the samples but didn't find anything.

Can the "Environment Map" path/texture be set through scripting, or only via pre-prepared .duf files?


  • HowieFarkesHowieFarkes Posts: 606

    DzFloatProperty objects have setMap( DzTexture texture ) or setMap( QString imagepath ) methods to set an image map which it inherits from DzNumericProperty.

    The SDK will only have documentation for entities in Daz Studio present in version 4.5 and I believe that DzEnvironmentNode was much later than that - however the documentation for DzFloatProperty will be in there.


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