Largescale scaling figures help?
Daz 3D Forums > General > New Users>Largescale scaling figures help?
Largescale scaling figures help?
I am thinking of making a few fairy characters and I know it can be done through perspective manipulation however if I want to add another character say a human etc. it wouldn't really look right to have a human sized character in the scene unless I can scale the fairy to the right size. I have tried resising the figure using 'BD Proportions Body Scale' however it only scaled them down around a head height which is far from enough as I had thought to scale them down to around the size of a hand.
Is it possible with existing figures in Daz? Do I need to buy a figure of that size? If so could you tell me a product that is a miniture that could work that doesn't use perspective to achive the result?
You can do that in the parameters tab under General->Scale
Thank you so much :)