V4-Bridget Regan (Legend of the Seeker, White Collar)

Yasser El KingYasser El King Posts: 1
edited September 2015 in Art Studio

Well, first of all, Hi there, my very very first attempt, I used Daz Studio 4.6 pro, V4 figure, Facegen exporter, and countless number of morphs I will never be able to remember, so give me all of your feedback, any comments, suggestions, more than welcomed, this is still WIP, a tribute to the most gorgeous female I have ever seen (if only she wasn't married...lol):


Starting from the scenes below, I used "realistic eyes" set, since the eyes textures produced by facegen suck so bad, maybe because I used a composite photo (produced by fantamorph) to produce the facegen file itself? (well, it was kinda hard to find a photo of her with some sort of neutral expression) I don't know, it looked amazing in facegen, but I did apply a hell lot of morphs (In DAZ studio) to reach the current result:



Post edited by Chohole on


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