Skin Detailer for G9 merchant resource, rocks!
Thank you Colm Jackson for this :-)
Giving this product thumbs up :-)
Some of the product is for one's own use, and some [the .psd files] are merchant resources. Comes with a 52 minute video tutorial!
It is for use on the Genesis 9 model and no, it does not include anything specifically for the um, "pro" content. That's not a deal breaker IMHO. One could certainly use of the details on any 'additional' surfaces.
If anybody, esp. those just starting out on the fun journey of creating their own textures, wants/needs just some "skin" colours to start working on -- I do have free resources over in the freebie section at Renderosity.
Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
With the advent of new layered image editor blend modes, seems like missed opportunity to combine the layers within Daz rather than just being in PSD format.
i plan on buying so I'm glad to hear the good review.
Still better to have as few layers as possible, especially if you have a gfx card that doesn't have much ram.
I think Daz bakes out the layers to single texture in your Temporary files, that's why it takes so long to load LIE presets. (Therefore LIE should not take any more VRAM)
I would rather use the PSD to generate textures, I was just thinking of most Daz users.
? There are presets and .png textures for use in D/S. It's the "MR" items that are in .psd format ;-)
Combining Skin Detailer with Coloured SY Flexible Skins and Merchant Resource for Genesis 9
oh i just scanned through the product list and it was just PSD PSD PSD PSD but i see there are some LIE presets (although doesnt seem that those are as flexible as the PSD files, which i guess was my original point)
That's interesting, I like the white lines -- are those from the 'veins'?
Thanks ! Those white lines are from graphically modifying Sickleyeild's skins.
As a resource product, the .psd files are most useful as one can really personalize the effects.
However, in the textures folder there are some 40 .png files {10 sets of 4} so one can quickly apply those to existing character skins for use in D/S. One can adjust the opacity with L.I.E. And certainly at least for one's own use, any of those .png files could be edited in whichever image editing program one is using -- just remember all, "always" work with copies and save as new texture images {so as to not overwrite all those precious purchases!}
Oh yes, there is also an important .pdf readme with the MR instructions ;-)
I don't have Photoshop after I'm an Affinity user.
When I open the PSD file, I recognized some layers are simple empty.
E.g. CJ Skin Detailer MR Head 1001.psd -> Skin Overlays -> Eye Veins
Affinity should be able to read PSD with no difficulties, especially if the content are only simple layers.
Can someone with Photoshop please check if the layers are for him also empty?
Thank you
okay, got it to work. Those layer where not only hidden, additionally they have an opacity of 0.
Hello - some of the layers are at 0% visability instead of 100%, so you might need to check that in Affinity. There are indeed Eye Viens, but at 0%, try turning them up to 100%
Does anyone know if this product has a minimal Photoshop version required? I'm still using CS6 because, well, rentware.
For me at least, it works in Photoshop CS2, CS6 shoukld be more than adequate.
ED Although I find The lastest version of GIMP more usable than CS2, it really shows its age, especially with a large monitor
ED2 And this is an awsome product, so far its really great for adding character and individuality. And prefect if you have a thing for freckles like me.
And to add some more variety, flip a couple of layers
Can anyone give me a hint where to find the PSD's? There are also not listed in the Install Manager file list.
In DIM there are three zips - one with an MP4 guide video, one with the Daz Studio files, and one with the PSDs. If you are not seeing all of those click the Download filters button in the ready to Download tab and make sure you have the General option checked.
I'm using PaintShopPro 2022 and they opened fine so AFAIK they should work fine. PSP gave no warnings [often does if the psd has too many special features that require a certain edition of PS]
And as others have mentioned, yes many of the layers are at "0" - video tutorial does cover this matter as well. One is not likely to want everything at 100% - and then there are some detailings one may wish to make a duplicate layer of to double the effect.
They are installed to the default library on my system, in the Colm Jackson folder, which is under Public Documents.
@Richard & Andrew, Thanks! Got them :)
Thank you for this thread. I missed it in early June and wasn't sure this product would work in anything other than Photoshop. I have PaintShop Pro and GIMP so I might buy it now that it is in the catch-up sale.
I guess I'm blind. Where is the accompanying video?
Its in the Colm Jackson folder in the folder of the Library you installed it to, see 3 posts above for an example of where it might me.
In my case its under /Public Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/Colm Jackson/Video Tutorial
ED: Just remebered the best way to find your DAZ files, DIM has a "Show File List" button which brings up a window with the location of all the files as links which if if you click on them opens the location in Explorer (or the OSX equivalent).
The beauty of manual downloads, I just look inside the folders ... tippy toeing away ... hehehe
I finally had some time and got the product installed. Checked out a preset. They are L.I.E. presets ... one would choose the preset that is closest to the skintone of the G9 figure.
I used this resource: and dialed in some Santa Claus ;-)
And the uploader isn't so here's the image at DA:
I am actually extremely unhappy with this product.
I typically do make my own textures, usually in GIMP or Photoshop, but had purchased this because it seemed easier than having to hand do my own and the way it is advertized made it look like there were countless options to choose from, to open it to find only two freckle options that you can't even see no matter how much you zoom in, ONLY options for veins that don't remotely show up on your character when rendering. The presets they had don't even work on my characters other than to make them look legitimately dirty with bright silver highlights under the eyes because they're only designed to work on light skinned characters and the ONE dark skin option it has, makes the characters look ill because it's still grey-washed. I got this for easy freckles and veins and ended up with a product that is not doing remotely what it advertises. I have over twenty years of Photoshop experience, so it isn't lack of knowing how to utilize it. I am hoping my download was just missing a HUGE amount of layers because all I have is three separate options per body part that are near invisible in Photoshop no matter how much I edit them and don't show up on my character, at all. DAZ's layering options have more visibility than this.
Which shader do you use for your characters?
If it had a decently looking ,non spidery, vein map for males and females ,i would buy it in a heartbeat.
Thanks for the critical review, I prefer to read both the negative and positive reviews before making a purchasing decision!
True. I might try things first using the LIE, but in the end I prefer to make actual texture maps in Affinity Photo.