attached files still not working...
Posts: 138
in The Commons
Hi everybody,
I still can't attached any photos to my message...
Is it only for me ? DO I have to do something in particural ?
I'm on Firefox up to date and win 10.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you !
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Ok, good to know. I thought it was me there just a few seconds ago.
Try again when people on the new continent are asleep
HAHAHAAHA !!....Not sure it will do any difference
I'm 9 hours ahead of Daztime and for me attaching files has been working in the morning, ie.around midnight and later Daztime.
I didn't really make any heroic efforts, but the couple of times I tried at night, it didn't really seem to make a difference, it still just hung... unless I was picking a time when the Old-worlders, were somewhat active... I'm starting to believe the chances are just random... also it kind of sucks if you have to wait until a certain time to upload a picture... like who is going to set their alarm to three in the morning to post an image?
It might be a work-around if it actually works sometimes, but jeez, that's not a great solution.
I'm assuming one can't even post the image somewhere else and link to it... I remember that was a thing at one time because for at least a year and a half or more, uploading images was broken completely, but linking to images worked... until it didn't work anymore and every image I linked to disappeared one day... kinda sucked for my WIP thread, but nobody was interested in that anyway, so no big loss... whatever, I suppose... it is what it is.
well...what's the point in adding a function to something when you know that its NOT working ?
I wonder....
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