Make Scrubbing Faster?
in Art Studio
My Daz Studio is just takes a moment to "apply mesh smoother" for every damn frame. Is there a way to turn this off so I can scrub through a shot and get a better idea of the movement. Obviously this is for animation. I'm on an older mac pro tower with 10 gb of ram.
select everything in the scene tab, then select everything in the parameters tab ( the fast way to this is to left click an empty spot on the tab and press CTRL+A to select all on that tab )
on the Paramters tab type "smoothing" into the search box at the top of the tab. This should show everything in the scene using it.Switch "Enable Smoothing" to "Off"
Thanks...but I still get that @#$%#$ "Applying Mesh Smoother" progress bar at the bottom of the frame. Is there any way to really make the cursor in the Keymate timeline more responsive?
If you are still getting it then you haven't turned off smoothing on everything. Go item by item if you aren't getting all of them at and hair are the most likely to have smoothing turned on.
maybe the smoothing is set for each keyframe?if you have alot of them it could make it a bunch of work to turn it off at each keyframe.
I don't do much animation besides using it to get the dynamic clothes to fit, but I think I would avoid it as much as I could when doing real animations.
Maybe using deformers for the clothes that are hard to fit would be better?