Issues with Rendering

in New Users
I am trying to render this image, but I noticed that it's very dark, hazy, and grainy. Also it's got a bluish hue. Any suggestions or tips that I can do to improve this? See the image below it's a preview, but it shows about the same on the render. Additional information, I am using a 4060TI graphics card. Thank you!
We can't see any image, but generally if an image is dark and grainy it is due to the default HDRI not shining on the scene, because something in the scene is blocking the light from reaching the subject. Is it interior? Is it a set you bought at this store? Tell us which one and we might be able to help.
No this is suppose to be outside.I can't seem to upload images or pictures on here, DAZ3D team needs to fix that on their end.
To Answer your other other question, yes this is a set I bought: and I also bought this with it because its only an add on to this:
Okay, so I managed to post a picture, please see the attached document. Also see the message above for the set that I bought.
Are you using the Iray or 3Delight files?
For the engine, I am using NVDIA: IRAY (MDL)
They're just FirstBastion's products
... the color looks a bit weird... You added an HDRI to the scene?
Yes, but have you loaded the 3Delight or the Iray version of the scene?
It might be the age of the set and that Iray has changed quite a lot since then. The materials may need a tiny bit of tweaking.
Just tried the base set and it seems to be very sensitive to different HDRI files. Have you tried other HDRI files?
Hmm... if OP loaded the Road with 3Delight Preset, he would have no way to preview or render that 'blueish pic' with Engine - NVDIA: IRAY (MDL)....