Hot New (Northern) Season, New Sales Thread: Report Issues Here "Reporting Only"
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Same with and the three items still active here
Not an issue, just a typo:
on the special offer page near the top - should be XI, not XL (the link is fine and the store page is "...xi..." correctly).
At the bottom of the Debut Frenzy page, names got switched for Michelle 9 and Vick 9.
"Lovin Daz Plus"... The promo says "Daz+ Members: Get an extra 20% off on all non-Daz original items"
The "Shop now" button opens
For me, the list has a total of 22 non-DO items out of 10002, and one can't filter out the DO ones.
If I select "Show owned", there are 15204 DO items out of 15227 total = 23 non-DO items to find which are applicable for the (lame) extra 20% off coupon discount
Is that really the correct list, or should the promo say something else?
Can you screenshot to show me where this is please?
Edit: Oh, nvm, had the wrong page.
I'll see what I can find.
Will report/inquire the last three issues.
From quick testing it in my cart, the promo means "non-daz-plus items" from the selection. As: any item in the linked selection (all of which are not Daz+) will get the 20% extra off.
Edit: Which means all the DO items in that selection get the discount and you don't have to filter them out.
Thanks - what a weird sale. It's called 'Lovin Daz Plus' and has the Daz+ logo, but you choose non-Daz+ items. I was really hoping it was a 20% everything else :P
It really is "20% everything in this selection", to simplify. Just not "everything non-Daz+ in the store", sadly.
The exact wording on the carousel card is "Daz+ Members: Get an extra 20% off* on all non-daz original items."
Now, I'm pretty accustomed to the fact that they can't write sales copy lucidly (in addition to not being able to spell and never checking their text for errors), but this is ridiculous. The obvious reading on this is "20% off all items [on the curated list the card links to] that are not Daz Originals." And then you get to that list and just about everything on it is a Daz Original, leading you instantly to conclude [something unfit for broadcast].
It would have taken a great leap of mind for me to interpret it as "20% off all original items [on the list] that are not Daz+," especially since the plus is not used in the text. If they meant "Daz+ members can take an extra 20% off everything in this particular list," then why not just say so?
This. I thought I'd been trolled when I clicked on the page and saw that they were all DO despite the sale saying it was on all non-DO.
This offer isn being reviewed.
The category has been updated.
30% off ‘Catch-up’ New Releases - SHOP OVER 260 ITEMS
Leads to a 404
Correct url here:
Working now.
Very nice sales and good stacking today, thanks DAZ! Managed to buy some lovely new products that I would have had to wait for otherwise. I also much like the quality and diversity from new items atm. Very nice start of my day here today.
In the January of 23 Flashback Sale when it says 2 or more featured new release or catchup new release, should one from each count as two? I've got one from each and it's only allwoing me 3 items at 70% off.
Probably not, since there is a specific offer for one of each.
I think this is badly worded. If it meant two from the same selection I would expect it to say "Include 2 or more ‘Featured’ New Release or 2 or more 'Catch-up' New Release in your cart". Having just one 'or' makes it look to me as if Featured New Release and Catch-Up New Release are combined.
I'll leave it a bit longer and if nothing changes I'll drop the last two items I was going to buy.
There are three banners for Xola, and they all just lead to the store main page.
The Xola banners are all supposed to lead to but there is a redirection on that URL that send us back to the main page.
reported and being worked on
The starter bundle is an item in the pro bundle?
[edit: also each alternative shape, and the alternative shapes bundle]
Thank you, @Chris Palomino
Could it be a way to autmotically hide the Starter Bundle from people who bought the Pro Bundle ?
It's always a bit strange to see, to give an example, one of the Victoria 9 medieval smaller bundles in a sale when I already own her Mega Bundle that include the content of her two smaller medieval bundles.
[Barbult beat me to it.]
I would argue that the opposite is true: you look like you're getting fewer items than you really are, because it doesn't list the items in the starter bundle. Either way, that's how they should have been doing it all along. Including the starter bundle's content in the pro bundle leaves the starter bundle unpurchased but available, but not so if the actual starter bundle is included in the pro bundle.