Character Presets for G3F People

AnIronButterflyAnIronButterfly Posts: 252
edited October 2015 in Freebies

I made some character presets for Eva 7, Karen 7 and Bethany 7 over the weekend and they're posted to my ShareCG, DeviantArt and R'osity locations. I've learned a few things and am liberally applying them to what I'm doing here. 

The Details: These are dialspun and require Eva 7, Karen 7 and Bethany 7--in addition to the G3F base figure. They also require the G3F Head and Body Morph packs also found here at Daz's store. These character presets are free for personal or commercial rendering use. It's a gift to the community. They may not be redistrubuted without written persmission from Kat Nisaá aka AnIronButterfly.

I'll post the ShareCG and DA links here:

You can also find them in my DA Freebies folder here:

Otherwise, enjoy and I'll be posting more as I get them done!

Updating on 10.09.15: Adding Jas (male) for G3F:

ShareCG is being finicky, so I can't add him there at the moment, but will as soon as they stop giving me errors... Look for R'osity sometime in the next day. :)

UPDATED on 10.10.15: Jas (male) for G3F @ ShareCG:

UPDATED on 10.11.15: Jet for Victoria 7 @ DA: and @ ShareCG:

824 x 866 - 313K
Jax - Copy.png
1087 x 961 - 585K
1033 x 961 - 513K
960 x 961 - 482K
1000 x 962 - 628K
Post edited by AnIronButterfly on


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