Forum attachments: file type restrictions?

Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253

I'm curious if there is any blocking, in the forums, of certain file types eg. GIF - I just now tried attaching a GIF and up came the "broken image" token.

And while I have your attention, the term "Texture Atlas" made me think of Kai's TEXTURE EXPLORER which was in the Kai's Power Tools (KPT) package in the early 1990's... can anyone recommend a texture browser that resembles the one in KPT? Thanks.


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    There appears to be a bug in the new forums, image attachments fail constantly.  Just try it over and over until it works.  Annoying, but it can be done.  Usually it works on the 2nd or third try, I don't think I've ever had it fail more than 5 times in a row.  Hopefully they'll fix that someday.

    gifs work fine, I just attached one.


    100 x 100 - 266B
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