What DAZ market product can transfer a V4 face and body onto Genesis?

moon_babymoon_baby Posts: 41
edited October 2015 in Product Suggestions

OK, I have a real simple question.  I know there is a product here in the DAZ market that can transfer a V4 face and body onto a Genesis figure but I don't know what it's called so I can't find it. I put in "morph transfer," "v4 to Genesis" in the Search and none of them have come up with what I'm looking for.  That's the problem with the Search engine here.  It has to be pretty accurate word-wise, otherwise you end up getting a million other things you're not looking for.  In my case I got pages and pages of morphs which translated to every doll ever made in the DAZ universe!  So if anyone knows the DAZ product in the marketplace that can put a V4 face and body onto a Genesis figure, please let me know with a link to the product.

To further make things clear what I'm looking for is a product that can take a V4 body morph like, Blackhearts GND4, for instance, and put it onto Genesis, and a face morph from any vendor you can think of and put it onto a Genesis chasis as well.  I know there's a product for Genesis that does that, I just don't know what it's called.  So frusterating.

Thank you to anyone who responds, but don't forget, give me the link to the exact product if you know it.  Cheers!

Post edited by moon_baby on


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