Cannot Load More Than One Camera - Archaic Ruins
Hi All,
I am perplexed and needing assistance please. I have loaded the scene "Archaic Ruins" that comes with 5 Cameras. I can only load one camera at a time. I have tried many things but if I load Camera1 and then try to add any of the other cameras to the scene it just replaces the camera that is loaded with the one I am loading. I normally have more than one camera to use in a scene so that I can get many renders from different spots in a scene and have not run into this before. I made a new Camera from the Perspective View and named it something completely different and still when I went to load say Camer01.duf it replaced my just made camera. Thank you.
Post edited by RiverMissy on
Hold Ctrl key when double-clicking to load a Camera preset... choose Add from that Dropdown list in the diaglog box. As default (without Ctrl key), all cameras in the scene will be replaced by a Camera Preset...
Is there a way to make that the default? And thank you for your quick response.
Try holding the CTRL key when loading a new camera. You will get a "Camera Preset Load Options" dialog. The Action is set to "Replace All", so click the drop-down list and select "Add". You can optionally select the active camera when you load a new one, or just change it when you want in the Viewport or Cameras tab.
Thank you! I am cruising again!
AFAIK, there's no way to change this 'default behavior'... you can only save a Preference for that pop-up dialog box, e.g. set 'Add' as a default when holding Ctrl key to activate it...
and then if you hold down shift while loading a preset of that type the preferred options will be chosen.
Great! Always be learning ~ Many thanks Richard!