Where can I find a modern, nearly fully functional modular window?

in The Commons
Looking for a modern modular window, almost fully functional; with sliding window and screen, that looks nice from outside or inside. It's modular in the sense I can stick it in an empty hole in a wall.
Not all windows look the same so you might want to include a screenshot of the exact style/type you are looking for.
Assuming you want a sash-style window then perhaps the ones in the Small Room Kit would work?
This college dorm single hung window has an inside and outside and moves up and down. https://www.daz3d.com/college-dorm
dorothee has some
Try looking at Collective3d
We need an example, windows in US don't look like the ones we have up here in Santa-land, and further south on this side the pond, they look different again.
I have yet to see a working window model that also includes a screen panel.
You might be able to make a screen panel by resizing a plain picture frame and applying a shader with a mesh pattern where the image would be.
This one looks like it might work:
I am guessing the creators don't have mozzies buzzing around and sucking their blood like I have down here as flyscreens seem absent on every 3D model of a house I have ever seen
It wasn't until I read this that I realized they were looking for a DAZ window rather than a real window.
Because of all the concrete and asphalt and lack of standing water, city dwellers have to deal with considerably less insects than country folk do. One possibility for the lack of screens.
The next window I build will have a removable screen.
That would be awesome! Much appreciated!
Where I am, it's a larger urban center (750,000+), but very heavily treed throughout, and 4 rivers plus creeks. Mosquitoes are a huge problem here. Most years they fog for them.
I haven't followed this issue closely but I have found a window that does move in https://www.daz3d.com/grovebrook-house-textures-and-interior . It may not be exactly what the OP wanted but it does move nicely up and down.
I found another double-hung window that has a functional latch and a lower window that moves up. It also has a number of other great props to enjoy. My only caveat witth the set is the tight set, so if you do want an realistic office that is small, be prepared to add cameras into key spots for your renders.
I'm wondering if the OP meant a window where the panes slide sideways, given they asked for a modern window. I'm in a very cold winter climate. The ones in my house are older and have 5 panels. The outer pair is set up so that there is a fixed glass panel beside a fixed screen frame. There is a tab at the bottom of the screen panel to pop it out of its frame. Directly behind the screen is the sliding outer glass panel. The inner panels both slide (so you can get to the other ones to clean them). Both sets have a lock in the center.
Now I have to go look at new windows next time I'm at Home Depot to see if it's double glass in each panel. It's funny how I don't think about these things until I do, but then my autistic brain needs to know and it will nag me until I find out. LOL
There are basically eight traditional window designs options. Casement, Awning, Single hung, Hinged, Double hung, Hopper, Side Slider, and Fixed. And someone up in Canada invented a pivot window. ( Literally opens by turning at the center). As they expanded, banked together, and grouped, you can have skylights, sunroom, solariums.
Now I have to go look them all up, especially the pivot window, being Canadian myself. LMAO!
The Golden Ticket environment today at either $3.99 or $2.99 https://www.daz3d.com/pw-cliff-house has a pair of moveable windows that open out. Check out the prop promos. And a two for one, there is a toilet with movable seat and lid.
While this is not a domestic window, nor 21st Century, the https://www.daz3d.com/french-cowshed has an upward opening window for an industrial environment (cowshed/barn). Even the crank that controls the window rotates.
I found windows that open in he Nabdean Apartment that are modern and open into the room. They are individual items so you could possible borrow them for your projects.
The Oikos Master Room by Tesla3dCorp has windows and doors that open, but these windows are wood and open into the room. They are visible in the lower main promo image and have a modern lever handle and are of a Shaker design.
The Old Manor has four windows that open that look new, even though the set is designed to look older. As a note, the set appears in my Smart Content as 'Old Manor' without the 'The'.
While not modern, there are windows in https://www.daz3d.com/old-town-construction-kit that have opening morphs along with doors. The promos by Code66 shows the windows and doors specifically. One window has shuttters on the ouside, windows that to the inside. With a little paint, these windows would be perfectly fine in a house today.
What catches my eye, is the missing double glazing which we have had for 200+ years, triple glazing since the 70's.
Attached a typical 70-150 year old window up here
Considering your climate, I can see your country being on the leading edge of smart window design. I was still living in the 1990s in homes with single pane windows in military and civilian housing in California that was built in the 1950s until I moved into a 1989 house with double-pane windows. And they had lost their seal by then. The apartment I am in now, is double-pane, but also with broken seals and leaks inside.
But finding a moving window was the initial goal, adding a second layer of glass... not sure I have seen that.
And louvered windows (or jealousie windows).
A sliding window and screen? Are you looking for a sliding patio door (which usually has a sliding screen)?
If anyone is looking for a one bedroom apartment where everything opens up, look to the https://www.daz3d.com/seaside-apartment which is a sweet, modern fully kitted out European apartment. There is a door that opens to the balcony and alongside it is a large window, and a more narrow one that open at an angle. Everything in the kitchen opens, including a undercouner washer/dryer hidden behind a door next to the sink. A refrigerator can be filled, oven racks that pull out, it just keeps on giving. The PA modu8 did an incredible amount of work on this set. Even the toilet lid opens, but it does need a seat. You can't get everything I guess.
Spotted an other missing feature. There's no place to dry the dishes, standard feature in any finnish kitchen.
We have a very small kichen and expanded our storage into the dining/living area for kitchen equipment. But we have a small space to the right of the sinks for a drain board and drainer, with a folded towel to soak up water. That is where things that can't be put in the dishwasher go.
I found a basement window that both sides have the option to open. Unfortunately it has been retired but if you are lucky to have bought SKU 14936 An Unfinished Basement by FirstBastion you will find the prop window under Prop/Architecture. This set also had a great refrigerator which if you need one from around the 40s or 50s this is close to what I remember my grandmotther having in the 50s.
Darn it! I had that one on my wishlist way back when and never picked it up before I left 3D. I had forgotten about it until now. So many great sets no longer available. This is another one I'd love to see updated and re-released.