"V3D Autopose for Genesis 9 Bundle" (Commercial)



  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025

    I love these, even as someone who spends a lot of time doing fiddly bone rotations by hand. A bunch of my characters have custom leg morphs, and while it's easier to pose them using Genesis 9 than it was with 8/8.1, I still have to spend a lot of time adjusting them after posing, and getting them lined up on flat surfaces for natural standing poses is a pain. Their "feet" are actually just their toes, so the way the autopose legs tool is set up to move the toes to the target makes it incredibly useful for wrangling them. Thank you for another great set of tools!

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited August 2023

    Hi Plasma Ring! Thanks so mcuh for your feedback! I'm impressed and also very happy, because sometimes when I implement things I really wonder if they are worth the effort invested, especially when they are "additional options".

    Including the "toes" option costed me a lot of sweat (and cries, and headbangs... especially headbangs!), and seeing this comfort me in the idea that it is really useful!

    Amazing figure you have here by the way, with very unusual toes! Thanks again!


    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Hi there,
    first of all a big thanks that you provide so much documentaiton and videos about your products!
    But I still have a question wink
    Is there a way to run the convergence for every frame of a timeline range? Here are two examples, where it would be helpful:
    1. The target is movig during an animation, and a figure should point/aim at that target.
    2. An animation where the figure is sitting down. As the hip is moving over the frames of the animation, the feet would need re-adjustment for every frame.
    For both cases it would be so cool, if the Face to Face autopose Arms/Legs could automatically run for every frame of a timeline range.
    Or is there maybe another tool which could run other scripts for every frame of a timeline range?

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited August 2023

    Hello, thanks for your questions :

    1. Arms : The convergence can run at any frame for a timeline range ONLY for the "Autopose Arms" product. The target can move, the autopose will follow. This is included for arms these are all the "animation" tools, they are the ones you must run to process a full timeline range, with the frame increment you want. It is yet for the arms recommended to preprocess (make a convergence via a classical autopose) at a few given frames (to ensure that you will stay close to the pose you have in mind, not with a too high elbow, or a weird shoulder bend). For this, go to those frames and launch a normal autopose arms.

    2. Legs/Feet : I began to implement those but it was not satisfying. Well actually it was possible, but it was difficult to have a good result "easily" (for the basic user). I stopped the developpement of the animation tools for legs because the leg product was already "big" and I did not know how long it would take to "optimize" the timeline process for the legs. Yet, if I remember well, a lot (maybe all) the scripts are compatible with "any frame" of the timeline (if it is not the case, let me know, this could be fixed in the next update). But for now the "timeline" process for the leg is manual, not automatic.

    I'm not aware of a script launching another script along a timeline range, but my initial feeling is that this should not be too difficult to implement.  I can't have a look at that immediately (I am busy finishing projects), but I'll have a look if I can make a fast dev of this tool during my september-october update session (when I'll try to update every update in stand bye). In the meantime, this should be ok for the arm at least.. And for the leg, maybe you could try to process and few "representative" frames of your full range and play with your animation curves to compensate for the offset between those frames (not ideal, I know).

    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Hi V3Digitimes,

    many thanks for your fast and detailed answer!
    I was just reading the autopose legs documentation and watching the video, and completly overlooked, that the timeline feature is already available for the arms (RTFM problem blush), cool!
    I'm looking forward for a possible "Apply script per frame" tool wink

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    No problem, I totally understand that people don't take the time to see all the options in the documentation. That's why I ask them to contact me or use this thread for questions :)

    I'll have a look at the "per frame" thing next month...

  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025

    V3Digitimes said:

    Hi Plasma Ring! Thanks so mcuh for your feedback! I'm impressed and also very happy, because sometimes when I implement things I really wonder if they are worth the effort invested, especially when they are "additional options".

    Including the "toes" option costed me a lot of sweat (and cries, and headbangs... especially headbangs!), and seeing this comfort me in the idea that it is really useful!

    Amazing figure you have here by the way, with very unusual toes! Thanks again!

    Thank you so much, and I really appreciate all your hard work! The thought you put into different use cases and how people can get the most out of the tools is why I trust and recommend your products.

  • Hello, I bought this bundle a while ago and just got around to using the hands, except I can't find them anywhere. The DIM says it's installed, but it doesn't show up anywhere. I see the other two items in the bundle, but not the hands. Is there a bug with the installer? I also looked in All Products and Lost and Found and it still doesn't show up.


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  • plasma_ring : such a sweet feedback ! Thanks a lot !

    Shimrian : Here is what I used to find it easily :

    - first UNCHECK the "Filter By Context" box at the bottom left of the Smart Content Pane

    - Then in the line where you entered the full name of the product (in the image you shared), write simply : control . This will filter all the products with control in their names, and even if there might be a few products, it should be easier to find it. IF YOU DON'T FIND IT THIS WAY, come back here, I have other solutions to propose.

    Please note : Otherwise, in the meantime if you don't find it the way I proposed, you can have it in : "you installation folder/scripts/v3digitimes/hands controls for genesis 9/". From here, if you launch the first script, you have a button to install the product in a menu & toolbar (and hide this toolbar I think) so that you never have to look for it again.


  • Thanks for your quick response, @V3Digitimes! I forgot that I had that filter checked (was checking and unchecking based on what was needed in the scene). I still couldn't find it from my original search, but do see it in all products when searching for "controls". What's really wierd is that it shows up as uninstalled inside Daz Studio. If I double click the icon in Daz, it asks me to log in to install. I was told that I shouldn't ever log into Daz Studio if I'm using DIM because it will end up doing weird things and cause duplicate installs. Is this a rare case were this item doesn't let you install from the DIM or is my installation just bugged? I've tried reinstalling from the DIM multiple times without any change. =/

    installed but not installed.png
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  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited September 2023

    OK there are several things you can do (if not already done yet).

    1. ... useless now ... see next posts!

    2. If it sitll does not work, open DIM, go in the "Installed" Tab, find the product line and click on the three vertical dots on the right. Choose "Show installed files" and click, in the new popup (image below), on the last png : it will open in your file explorer the folder where the product was installed (you will see the scripts and their icons/thumbs). From here, you have several options but what you can do first is to copy your files in one of the content library of your choice so that you can easily access them via the content library tab (they will be under /scripts/v3digitimes/..)

    Let me know if any of the methods worked.

    PS : good news for you, I managed to have the same problem you have, the hand product is seen as installed by DIM and not by Smart Content, so if I don't find out why, I'll be able to contact Daz because I suspect the installation package is corrupted or something like that.


    Post edited by V3Digitimes on
  • Ok there is nothing I can do on my side, it must come from the way they made the installation package or something related to the metadata they used for the g9 hands control. I am going to contact Daz to see how they can remake this package whereas in parallel I want to update one of the file (I think the package will be remade while they pack the update).

    Please note, for everybody : so far, the button to install the files in a menu and a toolbar may/does not work properly (version 1.0). The fix for me being to add an "s" at the end of a word (stupid mistake = triple headbang!), this should not be long to solve, but I have to handle Daz installer issue in the same time, which could slow down a bit the process (but not a lot).

    @Shimrian : here is a little trick I use when I don't want to search some files. Copy "V3DHCG9 Right Hand.dse" and "V3DHCG9 Left Hand.dse" on your desktop. When you want to use one the other script, you just have to drag and drop it on the figure you want (if you work single screen you have to lower DS interface size just when you do that) - you can aslo select your figure and drag and drop the script in the viewport. But this is just a trick, otherwise you can also find them in your content library (because they are there, see the show installed file method mentioned previously), and right click each script and do "create custom action" this way you won't have to look for them, until I solve this issue with the help of Daz team.

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  • Thanks for investigating the problem and requesting a fix from Daz @V3Digitimes! I'll try your work around this weekend. :)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 23,973
    edited December 2023

    I used Face to Face Autopose Arms for Genesis 9 to place the palm of Joan 9's hand on the pommel of the sword in the sheath. It would have been hard for me to do manually, but the auto pose did it in seconds.


    Joan HD Defender Gala bob hair fStop 40.jpg
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    Post edited by barbult on
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105

    Great Image! I'm glad you saved time (and nerves maybe) thanks to this tool! Thanks for sharing :)

  • ElorElor Posts: 1,150

    Your Joan looks great, @Barbult smiley

    Autopose is also great to keep someonelse's hat on your head when your jumping from a balcony to escape him with a stolen precious cane, his clothes and his hat laugh

    'Too late, Sholmès'

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