icon creator pro is giving an error message
icon creator pro is giving an error message
So I uninstalled through DIM and reinstalled but it is giving the same error
can anyone help me out with this?
here is the link to the error message image
Post edited by VicS on
Have you as said on the error message, deleted the configuration file?
Im not sure what that means but all I did was select what was needed then loaded icon pro and next comes the error message
He's saying the error message is giving you the solution to fix your problem.
It says you used an old version of icon creator in the past and the old "icon_Creation.cfg" (configuration) file needs to be deleted first then you can run icon creator.
Should be in the scritps folder. I don't have that addon so not sure.
At worst you can use the Windows search to find it and delete it.
I don't have that product.
But based on the error description, I assume that you have updated the script, and that it therefore need to reset the configuration.
And I would not expect a reinstall to touch the configuration file, and therefore it needs to be deleted.
According to the readme I would look in this folder: "Scripts:MikeD:Icon Creator Pro" for the cfg file.
Else ask in this thread https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/8232626/#Comment_8232626
ok great, followed that link, but where is the one I have delete?
I did try searching this pc for the file but nothing was found
here is the image----
There's one called icon_creator_pro.cfg in your screen shot. I am assuming that would be the one.
Probably best to move this thread to the commercial thread, as the person whom made icon creator seems to be actively helping users.
ok thanks for everyone's help
Can someone tell me how to get to the commercial thread section of the forum or where IceCrMn suggested I can communicate with the author of icon creator, thanks
Try posting here https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/573646/icon-creator-pro-commercial