Contact an Artist


I really liked SWAM's mermaids and wanted to ask him/her about how they rendered it. 

Is there a way to contact the artist? I couldn't find any way to send them a message on the site?




  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,989

    put up a post with title and product in the title of your post, either over at the commons or on the commercial products thread. Mostly that will get the attention of the artist.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Actually SWAM rarely posts in the forums.  You could try a PM.  simply type the name in the Recipient field in the PM screen and then compose a message

  • Hi guys,

    I wonder if I could have contact information of publisher somehow?

    I would like to contact SWAM (publisher of

    If anyone know, please tell me.


    Thank you

  • Could you tell me where is PM?

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited September 2016

    click on the gear in the upper RT corner and select inbox

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2016

    If you click to open your profile (click your name under the avatar and then clcik on the gear item that shows on the next page. You will see a drop down list and one of the items is "Your InBox"

    Clcik on "New Message to send a PM   If you don't know the exact name of the person you want to send to start typing and you will get suggestions for the full name


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited September 2016

    ccthien83   As you are getting answers here I have merged your thread form the other forum.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Thank you so much Chohole and frank0314. I already sent him a message.

    I also got a reply from help center about his profile, it is here:

  • Hello Guys,

    Please, Can someone help to find any contact of:

    Artist: Kool

    I didnt find him at the forum in the way that you explained and dont know how to find anywhere.

    Probably on facebook or email...

    Thank you in advance!

  • If you need support remember that you should open a Technical Support ticket with Daz rather than contacting the artist directly. Licensing questions should be addressed to Sales Support.

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