Yet another "where's my content"...

Just did a clean install of Windows 10. Setup DIM, and I changed the paths so everything gets setup on a dedicated 500 GB drive instead of my 128 GB SSD. Most of the changes involved changing the drive letter and shortening the path on the drive, but keep the same folder names. I installed DAZ Studio and Genesis Essentials. I launched DS, but when I check for content, nothing shows up under Smart or Content Library. I have attached screen shots of the settings. Thanks in advance for the help


Windows Explorer.jpg
518 x 209 - 28K
DIM - Installed.jpg
572 x 537 - 79K
DIM - Downloads.jpg
544 x 516 - 63K
DIM - Installation.jpg
541 x 514 - 75K
Smart Content.jpg
591 x 621 - 46K
Content Library.jpg
582 x 617 - 39K


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    Did you tell Studio where you put your stuff?

    Check the CMS in Studio and see if it's pointing to the same place DIM is.

    Press F2 , then click the "Content Library" tab, then click the big button on the bottom marked "Content Library Manager"

    make sure both "Daz Studio Formats" and "Poser Formats" have the same folders

  • spswaffordspswafford Posts: 179
    edited October 2015

    Thanks, that fixed it for the Content Library, but still not seeing anything in the Smart Content. I looked around and found MY Library on my C:. I would like to move it to my F:, do I do that in the same location in the CMS?

    Forgot to add the pic for the CDM.

    Windows Explorer - C drive.jpg
    630 x 110 - 13K
    Content Library 2.jpg
    429 x 745 - 56K
    DS - Content Directory Manager.jpg
    469 x 466 - 45K
    Post edited by spswafford on
  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    I don't think you can move your users library, it manages user specific changes.

    Try re-importing the metadata,,,

    On the Smart Contet pane there is a small options button (looks like 3 short lines ) click it and select "Content DB Maintenance" . In the Window that pops up , put a check mark in the box for "Re-Import Metadata" and click Accept.

    restart Studio and see if it's there.

  • I think there is a way to do it. I will have to try and see what happens. In the mean time, new twist. I have installed DIM and DS on my laptop that I upgraded to Win 10 also. The difference here is since I only have a single (1 TB) drive I did not change any of the paths (default). I get simialr results, items show up in the Content Library tab, but nothing on the Smart tab. I checked the locations of the paths, and it looks like DIM is not installing anything in the My Library folder (I think that is where Smart Content goes). I'm starting to think I may need to open trouble ticket. Here are screen shots.


    DIM - downloads - laptop.jpg
    542 x 515 - 66K
    DIM - installation - laptop.jpg
    542 x 515 - 72K
    DIM installed.jpg
    575 x 538 - 66K
    DS - Content Directory Manager - laptop.jpg
    472 x 363 - 41K
    DS - Content Library - laptop.jpg
    401 x 491 - 39K
    DS - Smart content - laptop.jpg
    401 x 461 - 32K
    Win Explr - DIM - Downloads - laptop.jpg
    650 x 207 - 55K
    Win Explr - My Library - laptop.jpg
    650 x 187 - 17K
    Win Explr - My DAZ Library - laptop.jpg
    667 x 364 - 61K
  • Well the redirect in DS Content Directory Manager is fairly easy. Just click on the path, then click on Edit under Directory and set it to the path you want.

    As for Smart content showing up, I think there may be a problem when setting up DS on a clean install of Windows 10. Going to open a ticket.


    DS - Content Directory Manager - redirect.jpg
    474 x 468 - 43K
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    With Studio running, do you have any instances of PostgreSQL running in Task Manager (or whatever Win10 calls it)?

  • Probably not. I did see PostgreSQL CMS and PostgreSQL CMS From Valentina CMS Conversion listed in DIM, but I did not install those.

  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009

    PostgreSQL is much more stabler than Valentina.

  • OK, I'll install PostgreSQL CMS and test. Thanks.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Yes, Postgre is more stable and in many cases faster.   The only problem area, for most, is if  you are using Zonealarm.  ZA and Postgre have a long standing dislike of each other.

  • BINGO! That fixed it. Installed PostgreSQL CMS and now items show up in Smart Content. To answer last response, I'm using Norton and have not had any issues with it.

    So when did PostgreSQL CMS get seperated from DS? I do not remember having to install that seperately in the past.


    DIM - Installed - with PostgreSQL CMS.jpg
    679 x 302 - 50K
    Smart Content - populated.jpg
    606 x 719 - 150K
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