Garment import incorrectly. Garment does not follow the figure's poses correctly.

Hello guys, i hope this finds you well. So i've been working on creating a garment for a figure that i have inside of Daz Studio. The process i took is this:
1- Add the figure from the Daz Library into Daz Studio. I did some adjustments like; shortening the torso, lenghtening the legs and adding a pair of shoes.
2- Export the modified figure as .OBJ, and import it into Clo 3d.
3- Make the garment using Clo 3d.
Now, since i've finished making the garment in Clo 3d, i want to import it into Daz Studio and bind it to the figure's skeleton so it can follow the figure's mouvement nicely. Here is the process:
1- Select every piece of the garment, click "export (selected)" and export it as .OBJ.
2- Import it into Daz Studio with base setting.====>*The problem i find here:
3- Select the Garment and go to "Edit" "Object" "Transfer Utility..."
4- Set the "Scene Item" under "Source" to my figure's name. Set the "Scene Item" under "Target" to my garment.====>*The problem i find here:
As you can see, bad base gives bad results, It's what's happening here, the garment is imported incorrectly so problems will follow.
TL;DR: My garment is imported incorrectly: | My garment does not follow the figure's poses correctly:
Thanks in advance guys, Would hope if someone could help me here. Thanks
The presets in export from and iumport to Daz Studio must match, so that any adjustments can be undone. From your screenshot it looks as if the figure was moved as well as reshaped, so the clothing doesn't match - you could fix that by making sure the figuer is not translated, then if the clothes still don't line up manually moving them and exporting them as OB, alone, before reimporting 9this will bake in the corrective movements).
If you are making the clothes around a morphed figure then you must set the Source Shape to the morph used, or Current if mutliple morphs were used, then in the additional options check Reverse Source Shape from Target - otherwise DS will rig relative to the base shape, which is not what you want here.
Even with the correct settings, the Transfer Utility is very literal - it just matches the rigging to the base figure (or another template if you choose that option). The further the outfit is from the skin the more refienment the rigging is likely to requier 9or, of course, you could use dForce to simulate and not worry about rigging).
Good news, i managed to fix "Transfer Utility" misplacing the garment, now only the rigging problem of the garment persists. You mentioned dForce, can you please walk me through that, i only know import and export in Daz Studio.