Where are the huddled masses?! ... Tondo district and other locales

The Street of Tondo https://www.daz3d.com/street-of-tondo and Street of Tondo 2 https://www.daz3d.com/street-of-tondo-2 are excellent sets.
I own Street of Tondo and later I will buy Street of Tondo 2. They remind me of this district in Manilla.
What other sets, in the DAZ store, are the huddled masses living in and what locale do they remind you of?
A little background on Tondo district:
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus

2560 x 1440 - 646K

1920 x 1080 - 411K
Post edited by hjake on
I love these maps, they are on my list but not bought them yet.
That artist (bituka3d) also has a product called Quiapo Street which is the name of a steet in Manila. All 3 of these are for sure supposed to be the Philippines. I have not been to Tondo per se, but Manila once and Cebu a number of times.
Every other building has an advertisment very simular this haning sign but selling all manner of different things...
This one in the middle even has the Phillppines Flag on it...
BrashFink - thanks for pointing that out. I have added to my wishlist. :-)
and of course there are the latin america sets:
you can also use these for kitbashing:
Does anyone know of any other places in the DAZ Store where the huddled masses could be living?
I like the following sets. Some are more modern, others more historical. Since it's not uncommon for poorly maintained older areas with buildings a century old to house low-income folks, or for shopping districts with older buildings to have apartments above the shops, some of the historical sets can also be used.
When I was a young adult, I lived in exactly such an apartment. The building had been built in 1902. It was on the main drag in a business district. There were businesses on the main floor with apartments above. Most of the drag had buildings like that. It was a dive, but very cheap, and allowed me to save enough for a down payment on a house. In the last few decades they've been tearing down the decrepit old ones and putting up new construction, so it's a patchwork of architectural styles now. That's common in a lot of places.
North America
https://www.daz3d.com/aurelio Numerous sets that can be put together to build a neighbourhood.
where are all the people? the huddled masses? I guess we could use the "cardboard cutouts"? but we need the sleeping in tents, on cardboard, burn barrels, trash, urban society folks, transportation and some that arent all shiney and bright looing like they've never been in the weather. Some really nice lo res stuff as well.
I use Predatrons's LoRez figures to populate scenes. There are some freebie add-ons at ShareCG. The clothes can be retextured and poses adapted for other uses.
This one is good for really gritty scenes
Coflek-gnorg at Rendo has a whole bunch of props for homeless/no fixed address/very poor people.
This has a shopping cart:
We need bicycles and bike carts as well, not fancy schmancy ones, not completely trashed either, but utilitarian ones that would be used as a replacement for cars by poor people.
Thanks..great stuff in this group.
Those are very good suggestions and you reminded me that you can make your own billboards manually or with a tool.
Flat In Japan - Learn To Use Flat Billboards In Daz Studio Iray
Billboard Builder
C66 Graphics Plug-in
What other low rent locations are available in the DAZ Store?
Some of them could be dirtied up a bit. The Favela set has interiors as well.
This vendor also has couple of modest homes with interiors, as well as modest neighbourhoods suitable for poorer working class folks.
These could also be used for transportation.
What I'd really like to see is bikes/trikes of this type, and also scooters and motorized bikes like this.
I'd also like to see food card bikes
Such a nice thread with plenty of links. These streets, props and houses get my creative juices flowing far more than yet another fancy bedroom or penthouse does. At this point I'm more a collector than a renderer because I don't have a powerful enough GeForce card and I am not interested in external rendering solutions; I have been experimenting with some work-arounds though and might be able to buy a half-decent GeForce upgrade at the end of this year. Would be nice to have a similar resource list for 'poor man's space travel and dwelling'
Yes your list has this one: the wonderful KindredArts take on "Urban Living". It is a very recognizable representation of the (notorious/bad old) U.K. "council flat". As its production description already suggests but I would like to emphasize, it is also remarkably representative of how mainland Europe houses the majority of its low-income or welfare reliant inhabitants. Asia has a somewhat similar architecture but the scale is often massive to a degree that hasn't a counterpart in Europe.
I found a couple more.
This one could house different furniture.
I completely agree about the creative juices. While the fancy sets are nice, I'm much more interested in "slice of life" products. There are lots of fancy/upscale sets and also lots of post-apocalyptic/destroyed sets, but not enough modest, everyday sets.
My guess is most of the posters here have never seen the inside of an appartment in Tondo, or equivalent districts. Whilst I have not seen one in Tondo, I have seen ones in equivalent areas, and the only link that is remotely close to the interior is this one: https://www.daz3d.com/rundown-apartment, except it would be about a third of the size for a family of 5-6, plus remove all the furniture and replace with cardboard boxes and plastic bags for belongings plus a thin mattress and sheets to be used as a bed, The only likely furniture would be 1-2 plastic chairs. Most of the interiors listed here would be for the middle class and wealthy only.
Kumusta ka, hjake!
I have Street of Tondo (And just bought bituka3d's Steampunk Secret Lab, which is a beauty).
But I haven't used Street of Tondo in any images because I can't think of an appropriate subject for it. I'm just an old white guy in California;-)
I have friends who grew up in Guadalupe, Makati, and even though it's in the supposely high-class Makati, Guadalupe is (or was when I was there) actually a poor neighborhood. I stayed with my friends there a few times in the 80's, for about a month each time. Those were the greatest experiences of my life. My one best friend is still like a brother to me after all these years.
But how do I represent Tondo in an image? It's a very sad subject over there. The suffering is/was intense. I tend to do more upbeat/uplifting/comical images, partly to lift my own spirits.
What would you folks here in this forum do with these products? If you have friends in the country, (I still have several), what image ideas do you think Filipino folks would appreciate and hopefully not take negatively? For myself, how does a lower-middle-class guy in America render an image of a very sadly neglected neighborhood in the Philippines?? I feel like I don't really have the right!
I think asking my Filipino friends this question would be more awkward than asking you all in the imaging community.
I totally respect bituka3d for his products. And I am so glad to see my favorite country represented by products in the 3D imaging world!
BTW, bituka means gutt, or intestines... I kept confusing it with lizard, "butiki," when I was there:-) Still get them confused:-)
OK, sige! Salamat sa anumang tulong kayo'y maibibigay sa akin!
here are two more villages
Village for Young Kola Zadu | Daz 3D
Village for Older Kola Zadu | Daz 3D
How have not not heard of this product!?? (added to wishlist)
I love it when a thread grows like this.
BrashFink you found a useful item and I got some more items from the others. Without all of your help, I doubt I would find these items because vendor product labels and descriptions do not always CLEARLY indicate what the product is.
How about kids playing and mothers gaggled together gossiping with one eye on the little angels? You see a lot of that in every place where the masses huddle. I think it is what helps keep hope alive in a situation made to crush the spirit. Also there needs to be a scuffy dog and and a lazy cat in your render.
Oh yes, if there are any residence front doors in the render make sure you put a pile of various shoes (flip-flops, sandals, running shoes, etc) by the door. Adults and children.
So NotAnArtist, this is your render mission if you choose to accept it. This reply can't self-destruct in 5 seconds. Oh well .... :-)
Yes many living in a small space and cleanliness difficult to maintain. But that is what kitbashing is for. Plus there are endless dirt, grime, and grunge shaders to help you realize your vision.
Your description is very helpful. The more all of us share then the better and more diverse the renders can be.
I agree. In areas of high population density, how you've described it is exactly how it is. Hong Kong's cage homes are another example of the horrifically overcrowded living conditions that are a reality for many people. However, in areas of lower population density, and poverty-stricken areas in first-world countries, dwellings are often larger.
I also agree that most of the interiors listed would not be suitable for the poor in an area like Tondo, but they definitely could be used for impoverished areas in many first-world countries with roughening up and changing the interior props.
The product descriptions are rather positive, despite depicting areas of abject poverty. I live, by choice, in an area that has for decades been one of the 10 poorest areas ( by postal code) in my first-world country, and I love my neighbourhood, despite the high crime rate. It has grit and a sense of community that has always been missing in any of the middle-class or fancy areas I've lived in. I keep coming back here. The smartest people I've met have come from areas of high poverty and crime, and often haven't even graduated high school. They live with real problems every day and find innovative ways to deal with them.
OK, this is weird. Yesterday I was looking through my old photos of my vacations back in the '80s. And the first thing I noticed was the sorts of scenes you described! There's my friend's family doing their chores. Their Mother doing laundry, squatting down and scrubbing them in a large basin. AND, there's one of me doing the same thing near her! Another of me pushing a large cart to go get buckets of water from a community spigot.
Yes! Those are the basic things that we did together there. I was told that I was one of the family, and really felt that way. I've allowed myself to forget those beautiful, more simple days, while still lamenting the sad things I saw. Thanks for helping me to recover the most simple of memories!
This is so true. I had to find a very cheap place to live in the '90s, for several reasons, and found an old house in San Diego that someone had carved up into multiple super-tiny rental spaces. My neighbors were amazing. Whenever something went wrong with the plumbing (because it was horrible), one fellow there immediately got out his tools and did repair jobs wherever the problem was. The landlord never thanked him, not a word. The women I saw walking along the sidewalk, or the alley behind us, were so busy, with little kids along-side them or in buggies. They had large bags of laundry, as well, from what I remember. The husbands would come back from work in the eves and sit out drinking... which worried me, but there was only friendliness towards little old white guy me.
This is definitely the sort of context that would be good to render in the products we mentioned above. Thanks folks! Really appreciate the comments!
NotAnArtist "Note - I'm also not a smoker. Never have been... And I'm also not a dragon."
I am suspicious!!! 'Cause that is EXACTLY what a sneaky smoking hot dragon would say!!! Very suspicous I say!!!
And finally the housing crisis is solvent
There is more room for the huddled masses to domicile.
Street of Tondo 3: https://www.daz3d.com/street-of-tondo-3
Ah, you have seen through my disguise! Now my true hot dragon identity is revealed... So, where are all the women? Don't they like hot dragons? I'm still waiting:-/
Thanks, hjake. That was fun.
Alas, the Dragon Ladies and Vestal Virgins no longer attend to this Forum. Not enough blood sport I should think.