Complete Male Character

goddessxtcgoddessxtc Posts: 63
edited September 2023 in New Users

Since throwing my money away on Michael 5 to get a complete male character, I am wondering is there a male character that comes loaded with all of his parts attached?    I appreciate all the help and answers Ive gotten, but Im still left with a white thing that kind of resembles a banana :)     Hours and hours I have spent, and it doesnt work.  The materials wont attach, if I do get lucky and get that, the second I change his pose it all goes to garbage again.   So is there a complete character or are they all in parts with no specific instructions on how to put it together.  

Post edited by goddessxtc on


  • You may need to select the Anatomical Elements in the scene and then reapply the skin materials or use a sepcific preset for the Anatomical Elements, as long as the character you are using has maps for them.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 744
    edited October 2023

    They are all in parts, but usually easy to put together. M5 is a Genesis character, and that's not an ideal generation to start with, because they tend not to come with Iray materials. If you're creating a character to export for a game or whatever, maybe you don't care, but if you want to render with Iray, you'll have to deal with the fact that the skin doesn't look as good as it should and there may be a visible seam in the pubic area where the gens model meets the rest of the character.

    Anyway, here's how to create a complete character:

    1. Add M5 to the scene and select him. You might want to change his label to your character's name instead of just the default "Genesis" label.
    2. Go Smart Content, make sure the "Filter by Selected" box is checked, and click on the Anatomy category.
    3. Double-click the Genesis Male Genitalia icon. Genesis is something of a strange generation, because there's an extra step. The gens object loads into the scene, but just floats there without attaching. You have to select the gens object in the Scene list, right-click, and choose Fit "Genesis Male Genitalia" To from the pop-up menu, then choose your character as the item to fit to, make sure "Parent to Target" is checked, and click the Accept button. If you miss this step, you can always do it later, but having unfitted gens would be a great reason why posing would seem to mess everything up...
    4. Apply materials from a character who has them. If you really want to stick with M5, the package named "Leon and the Night" has a great shape and good, complete materials (still not Iray, tho).
    5. Leave the character in the default T-pose for now and adjust whatever else you want using the Actor section on the Parameters tab. Depending on what packages you have, you may be able to change a lot or a little to get the character you want, and add hair, body hair, etc... (If you stick with M5, the Unshaven Body Hair for Genesis can help distract from that seam in the pubic area.)
    6. When you end up with a complete character you like, before any posing, save him as a Scene Subset--and include just the character (no render settings or background). I suggest including the generation in the file's title, so you can see before reloading what generation of props and scripts he's compatible with. For example, a complete Michael 5 I would save as "Michael - G1M"

    Later when you want to use the character in a scene, just use File > Merge to pull in the completed character. For clothed scenes, just unfit the gens and hide them. You may have to turn off nipples and navel in order to get some shirts to look right, but in general the merged character will be ready for posing!

    If you are willing to try again with a different generation, this one seems to be on sale today:

    He has complete, detailed skin maps, even his feet, and his face and beard come out looking very good in renders. He looks good in different lighting situations. The only thing is, you'll need to buy this package -- -- to get the G9 anatomical elements.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
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